Ah k, exactly what I expected.
It's not just the first turn but the first round! And additionally it exploits the importance of Initiative and right now way to low requirements of skills and abilities. JFYI, nobody is denying that, but instead already looking for solutions how this (as you say yourself) imbalance can be compensated.
Same goes for the gathering of funds to buy equipment with stealing and so on.

Btw you can do similar things even easier, for example exploit rage combined with markmans fang or vault+piercing knife. Add in glass cannon and enough initiative and you can pierce their armor 4x and so kill at least one, possible more, enemies and then simply flee combat without any chance for them to retaliate.
Doesn't change the fact though that if you DON'T come first the enemy easily CCs you to death without exploited equipment (stealing for funds n stuff).

The goal is to even that out, at least a bit.

Last edited by Seelenernter; 09/02/17 10:53 AM.

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