I tried the whole prison thing and it seems to work with 0 sneak now. I used to get caught all the time if I pick the key with my thievery lizard before this patch so I had to use the 1 sneak Ifan because the darn char would run into the red line of sight all the time if I tell him to pick the key.
And pretty much every turn-based game I played, Initiative is ALWAYS the most broken stat because of how simple turn-based game are in general unless they purposefully nerf it or do something like tripling everyone health to make it nearly impossible to 100-0 on the go without investing into a bunch of damage stat (Which won't work here because perma CC is too easy).
An example of how a game can nerf it is Wakfu where maximizing initiative used to be the best thing ever before they 3x everyone health in PvP and implement the "team initiative" where instead of simply deciding who goes first based on ini, it also alternates between team as well so you can't just move all 3-4 members of your side and gip half of the enemy team before they even act in both PvE and PvP. This is pretty much the state of the game atm and all the hard encounter are enemies exploiting this high initiative winning strat to use the best skill before you act.
To rate now, the most powerful to least powerful stats atm are
Wit > Str > Finesse > Mem > Int > Con
Mem isn't that as only mage will really need it to have all the buff spells accessible. The other ranger/fighter can just wear +1 mem stuffs looted from withermoore or blue gears to have the extra slot.
Int is worthless atm because magic damage sucks and is only good for personal challenge.
Con is horrible in a game with easy perma CC. Int and Str also gives Physical/Magical armor bonus anyway.
If I really want to exploit multiple free cheap hits, I will just abuse the chat-and-fight thing that is already reported as an issue. If you talk to a boss, start the fight hitting the worthless pawns and then end the conversation to start the fight again, the turn order pretty much gets a reset. The fast character can act twice or even thrice if you also get the guard to hate you by blantantly stealing in plain sight or hurt your own teammate with teleport to get them to initiate another conversation with the other slower character before the preemptive strike. (This is outside the valid min-maxing method though so don't use it unless you really can't win the fight.)
And I wouldn't worry about getting CC to death. Gawin robe, Carin shield, Migo breastplate and Bracchus gears are easily obtained for early defensive stat without buying anything. The whole idea of "Lohse and Red Prince goes last" is so that Lohse, who is the tankiest member, can always remove the cc with stuffs like frost shield before buffing the Red Prince so he always get to act and wipe the enemy team right away. The only CC red prince has to worry about anyway are magical CC because of Str build = very high physical armor.
There's also learning how the AI will move to force them to come closer without using any skill. For example, the voidwoken even with 2.0 AI, if you enter from the right instead (the high ground area connected to the pig area), the Voidwoken won't start the fight with any spell and just run toward you, giving you an easy time to just teleport it in and cc it or even kill it. The only thing you have to watch out in 2.0 are ranged mobs because they use all the special arrows/skill for environment effect now. Pretty much every thing in this game, if they have a melee basic attack, will run into your face if they can't use range spell so just use this knowledge to force them to waste a turn if you can't act first.
Last edited by Ellezard; 09/02/17 07:00 PM.