If you are seeing red you will hit harder. To me that means crit.

However you'll be less accurate. I think Rage should give you 100% crit (as it does) but possibly reduce accuracy. I might have a 80% chance to hit but if I do I'll have 100% crit chance.

It should definitely only last one turn not two.

I also think you should be unable to use skills (like Crippling Blow) as you obviously are not going to be in the frame of mind to do something technical. Perhaps Whirlwind would be OK (as comparatively the damage is feeble) and an enraged person could definitely spin around hoping for the best.

Warlord though is fine. Sure you can get multiple +2AP but that usually only happens when everyone else is dead anyway and the fight is over. Look at @Ellezard's pictures - everyone is already dead. Except the dog. No need to limit or complicate it.

@Ellezard, how do you put pictures in the forum like that? I much prefer it to links. In fact how do you take a screenshot at the exact second in the first place?