Joined: Aug 2015
Any news on Game Master/Creation tools???
All will come in due time. Hard at work with the main game. I haven't posted in my own thread because of this also. Swen is the only one who will spill any beans about GM mode when he'll find it right. 
Joined: Nov 2016
I say take your time! Keep up the great work. Loved the pre-release.
Joined: Mar 2017
Definitely take your time on this and do it right. I talked with some of the folks at PAX East about it and I have to say I'm pretty excited to try it when it comes about.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2015
Ok here is one.
I am aware that there will be some level of customization. custom moves, custom skillsets, custom ailments.
Perhaps having extra symbols would be a nice fit. I know extra enemies might be asking for a bit much... but maybe a few extra symbols could appear.
As for enemies... Color Slider? maybe multiple?
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2015
Ok, lets include a "Drawer" and/or highlight and/or arrow ability for GMs
I noticed that when the GM was trying to show things, he used his hands when the tools should be at least somewhat in game.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2015
I was thinking of how to do Familiars and Animal companions and my first instinct was "But wouldn't that interfere with normal summons?" and while there are a few good ways around this already such as making the Animal a party member I tried thinking of something a bit more solid.
Allow the GM/designer to set up sort of summon channels so to speak or "Summon groups", each with their own individually set summon limits AND whether they can be controlled or not.
Right now the Summoner does something very similar.
That way someone can have their Familiar, via a summon. As well as an additional ordinary summon.
If you want to go the extra step you could even allow summons to be weighted within the channel (As in, "This summon counts as two summons")
Allow Origin/Race Specific Stat Set ups.
While this doesn't have too much of a purpose in the standard game, it might have a bit more sway in someone's custom game.
Joined: May 2017
Hi guy! Great job with the game master mode! I want to try it!!!!!
But if i can suggest some features: -A vignet with a full screen image. -3d rolling dice will be really immersive. Gm and NPC rolling dice possible. -an npc creator like the player creator, where we can change the face and the hair. or an player characters importer for the player and the npc. -the possibility to control the player's characters, and the possibility to teleport them everywhere in the map. -Share the npc's portrait to the players, when they are talking. -pvp possible!!! -song and music importer. I know it's difficult with the copyright.
With this, the game master mode will be perfect for me!
Now, I just wait to see the new Divinity engine. If this one is simple to use(more than the old one), I can see a great and long life for your game!
Thanks for your work!
PS: sorry for my bad english.
Joined: Aug 2013
dont know if i have already post something similar, but it already floats around in my head for quite some time now (its more a modding toolkit topic, but there is no dedicated thread to the toolkit and it also has links to the gm tools):
a "modding toolkit lite" would be cool. ie a combination of the easy-to-use gm mode and some limited magic of the toolkit. so, like a dummy mode for the toolkit with only limited options activated so that you can quick build landscapes (or maybe even an automatic map builder, which you only feed some parameters like biome, % of water, rock, woods etc.), put in some premade buildings, some npcs, loot, enemies, write a story arc and dialogs, maybe some vignettes and/or an overland map to link several locations and done.
this could of course also be used for quickbuilding gm adventures
"I don't make games to make money, I make money to make games". (Swen Vincke)
Joined: May 2017
What about import\export player-characters from one campaign to another?
And throwing a few dices? And....4D8 + 2D6 - 1D20
And what about animations? Dancing? Emotions? Will it be possible to use animations or create a custom?
And will be able to play a few games with different peoples and campaigns and let them meet in one?
Mode where to move on the map, will be spent of food and the time goes depending on speed and distance
Custom spells
Pointers. "Ok, lets include a "Drawer" and/or highlight and/or arrow ability for GMs" //**Neonivek
Sea travel? Sea maps?
All players in group must go together? Or the group could fall apart?
Allow the players and GM to control NPCs and characters of the players themselves
P.S. Sorry for bad English
Last edited by Elik; 16/05/17 08:25 AM.
Joined: May 2017
Oh! Can you release map creator now? Or only with full GMM?
Joined: May 2017
Creating custom skill\talents\modificators and\or in-game notebook.
You can give the opportunity to create their own skills when creating characters. Climbing, cooking and so on. And add the ability to add skills when you transfer characters from campaign to campaign, if you give the opportunity. Or you can just throw a D20 in all situations. But then it would be nice to add....Char-sheet, where GM will bring either their own skills or modifiers. Not everyone can create a software list and quite often created a situation where the players or the masters want to give a character a bonus or penalty to a character or a whole group. In videos about GM mode I do not see the possibility to record data in a "notebook" and save it.
P.S. Sorry for bad English
Joined: May 2017
And does GM can switch "step mode" when GM want it?
Joined: May 2017
Volumes? Areas? Allow game master to create zones with some effects. For example...area in which after some time, character will fall asleep or zone where player is constantly wet because of the extremely high humidity, or, conversely, dry or heated in connection with the characteristics of the environment
P.S. Sorry for bad English
Joined: May 2017
Greetings, although an avid P&P player in several systems, I am completely new to the Divinity franchise. I am however absolutely thrilled by the Game Master Mode and cannot wait to try it.
I have watched several videos about it and noticed a few things that I could not see yet or seem missing to me, so here is my list of ideas/questions. Sorry if any of it is already in the game or has been asked before. These things are ordered by how important I see them.
1. NPC dialogue! I love the vignettes. They are really beautiful and help to tell a story. But the biggest charm for a P&P on PC is for me the possible amount of preparation that a GM can put into an adventure that would never be possible in a classic game. I want to give unimportant NPCs a standard dialogue so that I can click some other things in the meantime and focus on the important aspects. In a tabletop game, this is no problem, because I do not have to click stuff on another map in advance, I can concentrate on the unimportant NPC. But I cannot edit a vignette on the fly while I play a random commoner (at least with my amount of multitasking). I did sink hours into the dialogue trees from NWN1's Aurora Editor.
2. From what I have seen in videos, as soon as the characters enter a map, they can move the camera to anywhere and see anything. This may be a Divinity thing, but it seems very odd to me. I can see that the GM can always spawn in surprise enemies etc. but even in a P&P environment the players are not able to see everything right from the start. Can they even see through doors? In my opinion this is taking away a lot of the P&P/PC mixture charm. The players should be camera locked and able to explore rather than just see.
3. Will there be a way to place triggers on the ground that automatically spawn enemies or are just plain traps? Area transitions would also be nice.
4. I was missing a classic quest journal and I would really like my players to be able to track and remember what they did or are going to do.
5. Can we set up automated paths/waypoints/routes for NPCs to make them seem more lively?
6. Can the GM edit a module/save inbetween play sessions? So for example when I start an adventure with a group and I notice that they want to go to a location that I had not planned, can I prepare this map before we start the next session?
7. From what I have seen, the players can always see the level and remaining HP of an enemy. Can we hide these stats in certain cases to make a mysteriously dangerous foe?
8. Can we clone player characters on the fly and add them to the creature menu? In this way we could build some cool dream sequences or let them fight their own mirror images.
9. The GM should have a map marker, some highlight, a sun flare, something, to show what he is talking about or to gain the players' attention.
Thank you for reading and any information or even taking something to the official ideas list. Kachelschmierer
Joined: May 2017
I don't know if this has been said yet, but I would love: - the ability to design branching dialogue trees and - hidden quests (aka there would be no quest marker over specific side quests if the dm wanted but if a player was curious enough to click on it would see the quest and could accept)
Other things that I think would be cool are: - custom Items - Friendly monsters - Recruitable NPC's - (this is very out there but) the ability to give recruitable NPC's dialogue in certain situations. - friendly recruitable monster NPC's (it's just an Illithid, don't worry about it)
Joined: May 2017
All I really want on top of what I've seen in the GM-mode videos is "automated area transitions" and the ability to place traps. Especially the automated transitions are important to me as I would like the players to explore outdoor areas and enter caves, dungeons or go through trapdoors without me having to teleport them.
Number 1 on my list is to be able to transport characters from one campaign to the next, or the ability to keep on adding newly built areas (including those transitions) in prepare mode for ever to an existing save.
Joined: May 2017
- Multi-GM support! - Possibility to at least attempt to script skills and bind them to character animations. - Slow time -mode.
Joined: Jan 2009
The game in general needs the ability to Shift-select multiple items in the inventory and drag and drop them, or right-click and do something in the context menu (not ALL context options). This is important enough in regular play, but it's much more necessary in GM mode, for things like removing a player's inventory if they get captured, as in the Mercer stream. Right now having to stop and remove each item one at a time - especially for 4 players is incredibly slow and error-prone.
Joined: May 2017
Randomized NPC placement possible?
Let's say I make a custom NPC Pirate, Human Male as a base. How difficult would it be to have a checkbox option to randomize appearance on placement? Like, every time I drag the custom NPC from the list to place it in the game world it would give it a random race/gender/appearance.
I think that would help with making more immersive game play than having 15 of the same identical NPCs or at least make less work for a GM planning a game not to have to create a vast variation of NPCs.
Joined: May 2017
This might be a feature already, but if not I would love to have the GM camera center on a player when double clicking it's portrait.