Originally Posted by Raze

Do you have a save handy before talking to Tir-Cendelius?
If so, please email it (or a Dropbox or Google drive link, etc) to supportdos2@larian.com, with a description (or link to this post).
Each save is a folder in the '..\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin 2\PlayerProfiles\<ProfileName>\Savegames' folder. In Windows Explorer you can zip file(s) and folder(s) by right clicking on it/them and selecting 'Send To | Compressed (zipped) Folder'.

Crafting is still a work in progress. I'll check if the rest are known issues, and create bug reports if not.

Yes, I just emailed you the save.

Although, I'm surprised a save was necessary for this one. I assumed the devs just hadn't considered that people would neglect to recruit companions.