With how much they mentioned steamworks and importing assets, it seems to me that virtually everything will be shareable and modifiable, from maps to whole campaigns to assets to new skills and scripts and so on. The biggest question to me is how modifiable will the actual GM tools be. Like will we be able to create new buttons for the GM to use to easily do a complex action.
I still am curious how much is considered the "GM" responsibility vs modded... or are heh tightly linked now?
Map design and intricate scripting will almost certainly be the purview of the engine, outside of the GM mode, but most other things seem like the GM will be able to do on the spot.
yes, steam workshop was mentioned several times in the GM preview videos that are now on youtube.
another question: can the pre-made maps/campaigns be used in custom single player campaigns as well?
It seems to me that anything that can be used in a GM mode could be played in single player as well, assuming the campaign is designed to be functional without a GM (complete dialogs and proper scripting and enemies preplaced and whatnot.)