When making Elf Mages,I feel that the +2 Finesse is truly op for them because it enables them to use bows and crossbows,which I believe are superior to wands in terms of dps and usefullness.
Elf rangers are second only to human rangers in my eyes as I believe that being able to act faster than your opponent is a greater boon than a damage boost at early levels - you can't use if your oppoent went first and killed you first. What I find difficult to compare is Corpse Eater vs Encourage for human and elven rangers.
Also I never strugled with Dwarves but am imensly amused at how bad they are at stealing things with that +1 in sneaking - while the theme for them is nice,the execution is God awful,if Larian's intent is to portray the Dwarves as the best race to roll thief like classes.
Bows and crossbows have antisynergy with Petrifing Touch and daggers are completly inferior to all str based weapons. Dwarves make decent rangers despite these flaws, but the Guerrila talent is mandatory for them to get the most advantage out of that +1 in sneaking.
The +2 in Str is the reason why I love dwarven rangers - they are only viable race for a Warfare/Huntsman hibrid at low levels - they can be made to be consistent at shreding physical armor despite not having access to height advantage.
I do believe that dwarves are a good race despite these flaws...it makes you struggle and chose on which racial you want to take advantage of when building their skill set and there are paths to which Dwarven Guile and Petrifing Touch can be active parts within your class, but always at the cost of having bought the Guerrila talent.
I strongly believe however that lizzards are inferior to elves and humans as pure mages...that bonus in +2 int for a pure breed mage isn't worth the hassle at low levels and at higher levels the stats of human and pure mages are so similar that the only difference boils down to Breath of Fire vs Encourage.
As battlemages however, lizzards are supperior to dwarves and elves because they don't need to invest points in Pyromancy to interact with oil and poison surfaces - all they need are points in Aerothurge to buff the damage they do vs magical armors and let the burning surface do the rest.
What I love the most about lizzards is their viability as rogues - they are the best at stealing stuff due to Spellsong and the +1 in Thievery you get from the Rogue preset and can easily be converted into shadowblades/ninjas due to their racial +2 in Int.
Humans are the best for any role except that of a battlemage because at early levels,unless going for points in Polymorph, this role can a put great strain on a human's attributes as they are spread to thin to be any good at low levels.
Damage boosts at low levels are pointless if you die first in an encounter, this is why I would never encourage pure lizzard mages, pure elven rangers and possibly pure knight and fighter dwarves - having your turn before your opponent greatly increases the odds of a party wipe.
Edit:Also could we change the name of a toppic to "A review of all racials" as I feel that the disscusion on this thread will not be limited to elves anymore.
Last edited by Draco359; 16/05/17 01:36 AM.