For the record, I agree with the OP that it's not that Elves are overpowered, but more like their skill and passives outshine the other races, and it would be nice if the other races got a little love.
I never said Guerrila was good....just something you have to pick to make the most out of your bonus to stealth since backstabber is the weaker alternative.
I hope they don't take away the +1 in Sneaking as having dwarves be good at sneaking provides a more interesting flavour than the stereotipical bs of "dwarves are good crafters because they live under earth in huge cities".
The +1 Sneak is both free and permanent. You're stuck with it as a Dwarf and can't choose other things. In my opinion, I don't think that it makes a great deal of sense to spend a non-free Talent point onto a subpar Talent to take advantage of a free Ability point.
Since you don't want to take Back-Stabber, that suggests that you want to use Guerrilla with a warrior. There are many better Talents for a warrior. It also suggests that you otherwise wouldn't use Guerrilla, so you are trying to find a way to make use of the otherwise useless Sneak. Speaking for myself only, I consider Sneak a sunk cost when I play as a non-sneaky Dwarf.
The conflicting bonus between +Strength and +Sneak is the main reason why I want one of those changed. It's not merely about the stereotype of Dwarves being craftsmen, although they do indeed have a fancy underground city in-universe. (And it's not like the stereotype of Dwarves being short is flattering either.)
Also I believe that the lizzard's racial scales in damage with both Intelect and ranks in Aero (the more points in aero the more magic armor it burns away) and I will always admire the racial skills for it's utility, not raw damage.
I've been specifically told that Fire Breath scales with level and Pyro, but not INT.
I also agree that racial skills should be good for utility, which is precisely the reason why I want Shed Skin instead of Fire Breath, because Shed Skin would be something which could not be duplicated with a candle or scroll of fireball AND it would be just as useful if you did not put points into Pyro, encouraging Lizards to branch out to non-fire-mage archtypes.
Also human's encourage should target all friendlies but not self...I believe the bug is the fact that encourage targets the caster,because realisticaly speaking you can't pat yourself on the back and automaticaly feel encouraged.
I mean that Encourage only works in a radius around the caster, which is fine, but you can target other allies with it, implying that it it could work in a radius around the target, which it does not. So I want that changed so Encourage can only target the caster.
People already complain that Leadership does not work on the one using it. But I actually disagree with you it should not affect the caster for more than just gameplay reasons. Morale is a shared thing, if everyone else is pumped up, you get pumped up too. So I don't think it's a problem for it to affect the caster.