Definitively DungeonSiege 1 for me ... The demo of DS2 was okay-ish, same with the demo of DS 3.
I shudder even today because of these games.

And even although I played Blizzard's D2+LOD, I've grown a strong, very strong distaste of it these days. I just can't stand playing these games anymore.

On a similar level, I don't play Action-RPGs and RTS in general anymore. It's just too boring to me these days.

Plus, everything is becoming more and more like "heavy-metal-games" in art, styling and graphics. Awful, in my opinion.
And that based on the strong, very strong asumption of people nowadays that everything without combat, lighthearted in both story and graphics = childish, immature and what not ...

I've been digging out Drakensang 2 in the recent weeks and I'm having a blast ! I totally love this game ...

I'd like to try out Pillars Of Eternity, but for that I need a new PC ...

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch