So I have done a playthrough of the early access after the latest patch, and I have some opinions to share about the origin skills for each character.

I believe most of them are well-balanced against other source-point consuming abilities.

Ifan's wolf is a great summon that absorbs a respectable amount of damage while dealing some of his own - I'd say this is a good skill.

Lohse's Maddening Song seems like it has some potential, as, if properly used, it can disable a decent number of enemies while also dealing damage (by causing them to attack eachother).

Timewarp, overall, seems really powerful. Abilities like this usually have the potential to break the game, but I still can't say for sure how it can be done. Until someone discovers it, I can't say for sure that it's overpowered.

Sebile's skill seems really situational. The main problem I have with it is that it can't actually remove status effects that disable her (as she's already disabled, and therefore skips her turn). I'd say this is one of the weaker ones.

The Red Prince's ability is the one I have a problem with. I believe this is horribly underpowered in comparison with either any of the other origins abilities, or with any other source consuming ability. It removes a mediocre amount of magical armor from the enemy, and restores it to himself.

Even if this skill didn't cost a source point, I'm still not sure if I would use it - that's how bad it is.

I'm not sure if this skill can be fixed with simple number tweaking, unless the number became something outlandishly high. The skill might need to be reworked.

Perhaps it could be made into a Magical Armor version of Overpower (the warfare SP ability). That's the only idea I have so far, however.

If any of you have thoughts on the matter, I'd love to hear them.