The biggest Issue, that People still don't understand what an GM-Mode is for. This isn't an Type of Editor, even if you have Editor-Lite-Like Features, this is an proper Game-Mode for up to 5 Players (1 GM + 4 Players). Obviously you can't make 4-Player-Campaigns - because that's what the Editor is for!
Scripting is an hot Topic, i had recently one in the Steam Forum. I get where you come from, and it's not like i'm complete against it, however if you think thoughtfully about that, it also raise as well some pretty strong issues.
I mean of course, you can make the Game a bit more lively - and make the Job of GM's easier, in the other Hand, and that's where i'm happy Larian agreed with in their Stream, an GM Mode is meant so the GM have 100% Control over everything. If you allow scripting, you give away an part of Control & Freedom which the GM have.
Let's say Example 1:
You walk on an Path on Grasslands, because you have to go to the City with your Friends. While you walk along, you meet another Wanderer. While you want to pass by, because he doesn't seem to have something interesting, some Player might want to spice that up. He stumble over an Stone, because he isn't agile and good on his feed, and more of an Airhead - and accidently fails on the Wanderer - who hurts his Feets. It's not much, and the Player convinced him, it wasn't an purpose. So everyone goes their way again.
^- If you would Script the walking Path, it would make the GM Job easier sure, and due the Preperation you could give the Campaign you crafted the Illusion of Life, because you can easily non-important NPCs give tasks, which works automatically and give the game an Life on their own: The Problem is, as in my Example if something like that happened, even while the Foot is hurt of the Wanderer, an scripted NPC would walk normally, while an GM in Control would acknowledge that - and would let the wanderer hobble the path along. Thats small little Details, which would make the experience more unique and full of life, instead of the Illusion which is crafted beforehand with Scripts.
I mean - we are on an Leven, where Scripting already can due pretty amazing things, but as long you can't craft an real responsive A.I. which is as creative and intelligent as an Human, who reacts, suggests and understand what player does, it will be an limited experience.
And even, if they would add the possibility to react on the fly on this scenarios and let you fastly swap Controls, the next Issues are the Game-Masters itself. True, proper good Game-Masters wouldn't be the Problem. But not everyone is good from the Start and lot have yet to experience GM at first. If you would give them Tools like Scripting, it would encourage more for GM - to hold on this Scripting - due its easier and less work, they would get Lazy, or more passionated Scripter wouldn't even want freedom, because they want to show of what they scripted. I mean if you for hours script one whole Area in the South of the Map, but the Player wants to go in the North, do you really believe the GM who scripted everything would allow that? Nope, and even when, he wouldn't be that happy.
That's why i'm pretty splitted on this. In one Hand, i see where the Potential is in scripting, in other hand i really wish they don't allow scripting and such, because imho GM should be on full control, even if it means more work...
3. Automatic Transition:
Then one runs to an exit point and the map will automatic change. And even if they would make that Groupbased, it would encourage the Players more to find this Automatic-Transition-Points instead to get creative and look for new Paths.
Last edited by LightningYu; 03/06/17 08:31 AM.