![[Linked Image]](https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1661/images/3-2-1497072021.jpg)
Yes, that's right, a substantial gameplay mod in alpha. I know, it's kind of crazy, but I can't help myself :P (Don't try this at home!) I'm hoping to get people to play through this and give me some feedback so I can know what I should focus on in release. There are various experiments in this mod so I can see if my (and other peoples') ideas really play out as well as we think they would.
http://www.nexusmods.com/divinityoriginalsin2/mods/3/?This mod adds 22 bard skills that fall under the leadership skill. These mostly involve buffing, debuffing, and manipulating statuses in dynamic ways, offering only a couple damage skills. Purchase these skills from Laslor the dwarf bard (near Rezik the aerothurge merchant, near Griff), or Kerban in the seeker camp.
Example skills:
Swindle: Steal buffs from a character.
Dance of the Elements: apply random elemental vulnerabilities to enemies, reducing their resistances whenever they take the relevant damage.
Dream Scream: Wake up a sleeping target into pain, madness, and a random debuff.
Masochistic Melody: A buff that grants a character increased damage and crit chance whenever they receive a negative status.
This mod also grants enemies random buffs when entering combat, including extra strong "champion" statuses. Also increases enemy loot. This should improve difficulty, freshen up encounters, and make combat more rewarding.
Three new racial skills for dwarf, human, and lizard: Stone's Embrace, Tactics, and Shed Skin (thanks Stabbey and Nivv for the idea) respectively.
There are 5 new/modified presets, including bard, skald, civilian, enchanter (modified), and a "cheat" bard start, which lets you start with a bunch of diamonds if you want to gear up and breeze through the fort to the swamp because you've played it so many times.
Major Status changes: Knockdown and stunned now do not completely disable a character, but are still hugely debilitating.
A couple dozen new loot modifiers, mostly custom skills that can appear on legendary items.
A bunch of tweaks to various weak talents, abilities, and constitution to make them more desirable (I only did these because they were easy to change).
I don't think my changes will be a waste of time even if Larian completely revamps many things to make them obsolete. I could've gotten a lot more nitty gritty and rebalanced many more things, but I wanted to focus on additions and major changes. I also think my skills are fairly unique and I'd be surprised if Larian implemented anything like most of them (though I suppose they have my permission to steal my ideas :D)
Hope you enjoy, and offer your feedback here or on the nexus page. Hopefully it doesn't have too many bugs.