Originally Posted by Azmo

I also like the Wraith writing. As it reads, it comes across as a mere haunting, but transforms into something like the Nazgul or a Dementor.

Yeah that's pretty much the idea of it.

Originally Posted by Chili1179
This is the PDF I gave my players in the last Roll20 session I had in my game world, to get them familiar with the history. Warning, its a long read.

Interesting game world you have developed, I like it. How did you get all those illustrations?

Please allow me to point out one inconsistency, that I think you should change.
You say that the number of people who managed to flee from Kesparl were 3481 distributed across 112 ships. Yet within a 100 years these human survivors have multiplied enough to form several kingdoms. Maybe I read it wrong and the nations formed by these humans, absorbed a lot of indigenous people along the way.

As for my own setting, I've made a list of some of the nations that exists in the world, along with a small description to each.

Historical (defunct)

Thydoria – An ancient culture-group of humans, dwarfs and elves centered around the fertile and resource rich Thydorian valley, here all three races lived in peace and prosperity. The land north of the valley was populated by humans, elves populated the area south-west of the valley and the dwarfs populated the region south-east of the valley. The Thydorian valley and the surrounding land eventually froze over in a couple of decades, known as the Cataclysm, culminating in the White Night where a massive blizzard hit the valley and covered it in snow and ice. All the people who did not perish in the Cataclysm migrated south and formed most of today's nations. All of which trace their history, religion, language and culture back to Thydoria.

Ifnuan Empire – The city of Ifnu was founded on the Dagger peninsular (today's Blight Land), by Thydorian humans fleeing the cataclysm. It soon expanded its rule over the peninsular and in the following centuries it grew to encompass must of the nations (including Dothnia) formed by Thydorian migrants. It had a long-time arch rivalry with the Rusilarpusian Empire south of it, which involved several wars. Not long after the last war, where Ifnu had emerged with a major victory, the Blight Event happened. A massive explosion of magical energy wiped out the city of Ifnu's entire population, who were all turned into the undead. Having lost the capital and heartland to the Blight, the rest of the empire soon crumbled and a series of new and old nations gained their independence.

The Ifnuan Empire is inspired by, surprise surprise the Roman Empire.

The Gudjambheri Empire – Not much is known about this empire, at its height, long before the Thydorian Cataclysm, it stretched from the far south-east of the world all the way up to the southern banks of the silent bay. Wether it fell, like the Ifnuan Empire, or just receded its influence no one knowns, not even where its heartland is located is known, a fitting testimony to the vastness of the Gudjambheri Empire.

The Gudjambheri Empire is partly inspired by India at the time of Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great conquered all the land from Macedonia to India and introduced greek culture to all the conquered nations. So my idea for the Gudjambheri Empire is sort of, what if an Indian empire had done the opposite, conquered everything from India to Greece.

The following are nations that are near to the Kingdom of Dothnia (see below), where the setting's story will take place.

Dothnia – Human kingdom and the place where the campaign is supposed to unfold. It was carved out from the southern part of the elven kingdom of Ganatha, around and immediately after the Cataclysm. Dothnia is made up of several distinct regions.

There is no real world inspiration for Dothnia, I like to think of it as a run-of-the-mill fantasy kingdom.

Ganatha – Elven kingdom located in the vast forest, that bears the same name, it has a history of animosity with Dothnia. The monarch is mostly ceremonial and the population of elves are highly autonomous and freedom loving. There is a vibrant civic society in Ganatha where people form many different organizations and groups cooperates with each other, all in the name of personal liberty.

Ganatha is inspired by some sort of libertarian America.

Dead Water – The name given by the humans to the huge swampland between the Mist Peak Mountains and the sea. The continuously flow of steamy clouds coming from the boiling sea, discharges in the Mist Peak Mountains which then creates a special condition where warm water is constantly pouring down the mountain side all year round. Thus the Dead Water swamp is quite warm and doesn't freeze over in the winter.
The swamps is filled with diseases and venomous animals, that are deadly to most humanoid races. It is however home to a great number of Lizardmen tribes.

Partly inspired by tribes living by the Amazon river.

The Umuligs – Is the common name giving to the horsemen tribes of the Umuligian Steppes. Just as people from the Thydorian culture, they migrated south when their ancestral homeland froze over. To the countries and city-states, in the southern part of the Umuligian steppes, they are a scourge that annually raid and pillages the countryside and occasionally sacks cities.

Partly inspired by central asian nomads tribes and early medieval Hungary.

The Lifvatnian Order (placeholder name) – They share the same ancestral homeland as the Umuligs, but they settled on the coast and islands west of the vast mountain range that separates them from the Umuligian steppes. At some point in their history a monotheistic religion took hold and quickly spread throughout the coasts and island, converting the people from their pagan religion. A great sea-faring people, they have colonised the landmass west of the Shallow Sea, where they have wages some wars with the United Realms.

Partly inspired by medieval Denmark, just think of Christian Vikings.

The United Realm – Is a powerful union of kingdoms, lead by the King of Geslia. The land is fertile, with a warm climate, and it has a relatively large population. Geslia have plenty of rich gold mines, that brings a lot of wealth to its ruler. It also makes Geslia a nexus of art, culture and academia, as great people from far away are drawn in and hired for their services. The United Realms sees itself as the successor to the Ifnuan Empire, as well as the premier torch carrier for the whole Thydorian culture.

Partly inspired by the Holy-Roman Empire and medieval France.

Kutharos – Is an ancient dwarven kingdom south of the now frozen Thydorian plateau. Unlike most other Thydorian nations it survived the Cataclysm, relatively intact. It is a highly stratified and conservative society, where the traditionalists aristocracy wields the power. Kutharos' influence reaches far south down the plains beneath the mountains. Here a number of semi-nomadic humanoid tribes are held as tributaries, providing food and other resources that are scarce in the mountains, in return for protecting against other tribes.

Kutharos isn't really based on any real life culture, with the exception of their Scottish accent.

Rani Palokto – The name means new forge in dwarven, it was founded by migranting Kutharos dwarfs who tunnelled south and eventually settled in the Stone's Edge Mountains. They formed a lucrative alliance with the Ifnuan Empire and later with the United Realms. Their craftsmen and artisans are highly prized and sought after throughout the known world.

Rani Palokto isn't really based on any real life culture, with the exception of their Scottish accent.

The minotaurs of the Fire Isle – The minotaurs inhabiting these isle are notorious pirates and fanatically devoted to their fire deity.

Partly based on ancient greek and norsemen culture.

There are more people and cultures... that I hope I eventually gets to write down. Dothnia being the site of the campaign of course is going to have the largest content of lore. Those with relevance to Dothnia will also have somewhat extensive lore, while others will be more lightly covered.

And I've updated the world map and the map of Dothnia (where the campaign takes place), with some names so it should be easier to locate the different nations.
Keep in mind that both maps aren't finished yet.


World Map

At the moment I'm working on editing the lore on Thydoria and after that the first part of Dothnia's history, so they becomes presentable. I'd like some feed-back when the time come smile

Last edited by MAHak; 04/07/17 06:19 PM.