I haven't played too much yet but I made a Rogue and it is simply the best DPS output source I have by far (Forg1ven reference).
However I feel like this comes from a bug in some skills.
Throwing dagger seems to double its damages when you cast it in melee (not only it backstab but apparently when in melee range you throw 2 daggers if you are dualwielding effectively increaing your damages by x4).
If I compare backlash and throwing knife, the tooltip displays the same theorical damages but throwing knife does a lot more.

Then there are other skills which seems to be able to backstab although they probably shouldn't.

So I am unsure if this is intended or if those are issues but that alone simply makes rogue insanely powerful.
I think the main problem with rogues in the first one was, not enough damage for the trouble and too much time spent trying to get to the back every turn.
Now you have more skills to position yourself and the damages skyrocketed way too hard.

However I agree with most other points. I prefered the Armor system in the first game.
In a way I like the fact that you can hardly be CC on the first turn unless focused because they have to wear your defences down.
And I like the fact that stronger spells were gated behind higher spec level, but I also like the passive bonuses from the skills.

We also have to keep in mind we are limited in the version we have, it is very possible higher level spell and skill have minimum stats or skill requirements.
That would be annoying to have a aerothurge with tons of points in air magic having very little benefits over a rogue with only one point.

On a side note, I love that we now have separate points for secondary skills (lockpicking etc.)
I like that the system has changed, I am not sure what are the implications at higher levels but beside a few balancing things (I look at you rogue) I am happy to see a new system smile.

Last edited by Deadknight; 20/07/17 12:11 AM.