Xbow has the Crit advantage. Early game, you don't get much perception to make use of the Crits, and not enough in speed to make use of that 5 AP attack, even with stuff that gives you more AP (a novice skill in scoundrel, cant remember it

). After points invested in speed, you get more AP as well, allowing more attacks with Xbow
Thank you for the answer. I will relay it to my co-op partner, because she plays Bairdotr next to her main rogue.
I just find it annoying to sit there and attacking stuff.

I have almost every other aspect covered with other characters, so why not just go into lockpicking. Sneaking IMO isn't a good stat to put points in, so meh.
I'm curious, why don't you like sneaking? Our rogue uses it to scout ahead or position himself on the battlefield or for a first-strike backstab.
I have seen others put points into leadership onto 2 main PCs, since those 2 can't really be switched out, and i use traits to give me the leadership onto the other character for the most part.
Well, we don't plan to switch npcs out much because we see them more like real companions you don't dismiss on a whim. For the same reasons, we don't use "mules" or craft/blacksmith mercenaries like many playing guides suggest, but cultivate these skills ourselves. It costs more points but fits our playing style more. The rogue is our crafter/cook while Jahan is the blacksmith.