Originally Posted by Manu83
Hey folks there's a slight news: my girlfriend wants to play along, so well be doing multiplayer. She's a mage, pyro+ geo. I want to do something really useful..tried rogue but it's very weak at start... I like sneaking but I always get discovered...she wreaks havoc with fire and I end up doing almost nothing. Maybe the archer suits better? Or shall I take a warrior? Anyone got a suggestion? Rogue plus fighter perhaps? I need mobility or my rogue just stands there idle while she shots from afar.. I'm confused..

You also have to take notice on what you enjoy playing, what you might enjoy playing might not start strong. Archers and Rogues IMO are weak at start and get good mid to late game. Where as Pyro + Geo gets a bit more weaker late game, especially due to resistances (for my mage, i went into geo, pyro and then i also started investing in Witchcraft, once i got pyro to 3 and geo to 2). WC is also really good for buffs and debuffs, and if you find Geo/Pyro lacking late game (like i did, mind you im not the best player around, someone else might say otherwise and find it much more stronger late game), i had WC to fall back on.

If you do take rogue, make sure to get walk on surfaces, that will allow you to just walk on...well fire and other stuff mages are throwing. And/or you can deck out your mages in buff shields. The avatar of fire/storms and things that give resist stun, fire. Put that on your warrior and let them jump in.