@Chrest: Thanks again for your detailed take on bows and Xbows. I'll inform my co-op companion as she is playing Bairdotr. She prefers bows stylistically anyway.
@Manu83: I second what Chrest said about playing the game. Don't overthink it too much in advance, you may discover things about the "classes" of D:OS later that you can't know yet (or we for you). And since D:OS doesn't have fixed classes anyway, you can modify your character to some extend later. Chrest already gave you much basic information about the classes and their role in the game, so I don't think he/she doesn't "want" to help you. As a friendly advice, don't focus too much on wording, everyone has their own style of expression.
Finally, I want to add that not all is about combat, especially in D:OS. There is much to do between fights and also a fair number of quests that don't need combat skills at all (don't forget to take Pet Pal

). As long as you're fit enough to survive through the fights so your progress through the game isn't jeopardized, you're free to screw with your build however you like. From roleplayer to roleplayer, if you want to "be" someone unique in the game, just play him or her like that. D:OS gives you many opportunities and dialogue options to portray the
character of your character.