Sorry, I forgot

The only problem is.. that theoretically Xbow is better than bow ONLY if it crits, because the bow ability increases your damage, while xbow one does not. Still in theory, the difference in damage between xbow and bow does not justify using it over a bow. To put it simple, a non-crit bow shot with bow5 is more harmful than a xbow shot (with or without xbow5, since it doesn't add to raw damage in any way). Add to this the fact that a ricochet almost triples the increased bow damage... and that's the reason why I regret xbow was conceived this way.
Still...I like Xbow more than bow

It's a matter of style, really. (The crossbow always sounds to me like "monster hunter, vampire hunters and so on...) So I thank you a lot for your input, the builds you gave me will help me a lot to create the character, because no, I did not know them. I will put in the scoundrel then, many people by now recommended me to do this. you see Witch fitting in the build (not counting what those builds say...I'd just like your opinion..)
Thank you anyway a lot for the time you're dedicating to my (lost) cause