Originally Posted by WMC51
Originally Posted by Sotnik
I imagined it like all the skills have some variables assigned and crafting adds or replaces some of them.

For example, Crippling Blow: Melee, Weapon damage, Crippled, AoE. Fossil Strike: Ranged, AoE, Slow, Oil, Earth Damage. You combine these skills and get a Crippling Fossil Blow skill which converts all the damage to Earth, slows and have a bit wider AoE with your Melee weapon. Crippling Blow + Heart of Steel restores your physical armour and have increased damage to the enemy physical armour and so on.

It seems that I was wrong. At least we will have some more skills.

I think that is what everyone imagined.

Yup, that's definitely what "skill crafting" implies. But I never really expected that sort of system. Theoretically moddable, though it would be a good amount of work to make it worthy of the name "skill crafting." Not super difficult per se, just tons of work making variants of different skills, new crafting recipes, balancing and making new skill effects and icons stuff.

Was more realistically imagining something like 8-10 "base" skill types like rain, AOE attacks, summon types, self-teleports, cone attacks, etc, that could be combined with a few different skills each. So you could make blood rain, fire rain, oil rain, poison rain, etc. Or you could make a sort of flaming whirlwind, a poisonous whirlwind, an excessively gory whirlwind (e.g., causes bleeding), etc.

Whether or not that really leads to more interesting skills than more specific skills like corpse explosion is hard to say, but it's more skill-crafty than 48 pre-designed skills that don't really have much to do with the specific skills used to craft with it.