Joined: Aug 2015
This isn't exactly the location for suggestions itself. +1
Joined: Jan 2015
I am more impatient about the mod tools than anything else.
Same here. Nothing can offer a wider range of customer satisfaction than a nicely supported DIY-Job.
Think for yourself! Or others will do it...
Joined: Apr 2013
Thank you for making this thread Swen ♥ Larian is the only game company I personally buy from where I feel like my thoughts matter, even if they don't make it into game. It's nice to be heard. Keep up the great work Larian Studios ♥ ..oh and, thank you for adding in a softer female face option in this one ^_^ and the long hairstyles. Love that she doesn't look always annoyed now. Makes playing a gentle type character possible for the RP nerds in some of us.
Last edited by Ellary; 01/10/16 06:47 PM.
Joined: Oct 2016
Thank you for making this thread Swen ♥ Larian is the only game company I personally buy from where I feel like my thoughts matter, even if they don't make it into game. It's nice to be heard. I could name you at least two other indie devs, who are really open minded and active responding to feedback. But back to topic it is the main reason, why I backed the second game as well. And I can imagine caring about all the feedback can be really tough to deal sometimes. Mainly because not every feedback is nice, there are always some fanatics who hate everything new just out of principle. But also if you thought of something new, but it doesn't get appreciated as hoped. You can never make everyone happy, you can only try your best to make the best game you could think of.
Last edited by vometia; 04/10/16 03:52 AM. Reason: formatting
Joined: Oct 2016
I dont know if this is the right place to post bugs and impressions, but here goes!
Bugs: Crackling thunder - i found myself in a bug, where a crack of thunder would play quiet often, even if i was inside a house or somewhere thunder and rain should not appear (:
Summon fire elemental (totem) - i can summon this, but it has next to zero animations, and attacks dont register (no dmg, but ap i consumed)
Location markers do not dissapear. I got markers all over the map (pirate tresure, hidden cave) even though i visited and got what i needed these places. I think the problem occurs because im learning about these locations (quests) after i've already visited them.
Completing quests - im playing with a friend, and only he can archive quests ): Completed quests are not automatically archived?
Bugs / impressions *SPOILER*
Gargoyle maze is quiet a mess it seems. I stumbled in there on accident, and without a quest for it. I had the baccus ring, so i got teleported to the tower (with no way of getting back out!!!) [Well i did have teleportation spell learned, but i might not have!] Inside the tower the 2 undeads playing cards was bugged the first time i encountered them - finishing dialog sent me to "FIGHT", but the fight was cancelled right after. Attacking them manually would not trigger a fight either.
After some tingering, i got to the burning dude in the middle. who for some reason had -45 attitude against me from the get go, making it impossible to have dialogue until a gave him stuff ):
I had no idea how to put out the fire too.
Appart from these minor hiccups, i had a blast playing and cant wait for the final release!
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
I dont know if this is the right place to post bugs and impressions, but here goes!
There's a handy bugs topic here, just for future reference. I've left your post here though, moving it would just confuse matters; in particular it would confuse me. 
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Sep 2015
So you are reading it all. While I think this is great I also feel kind of sorry for you. Most of the post here are good but some threads were so annoying that reading just 2 posts gave me a headache. Fortuanatly you finally locked some of the most idiot threads.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
Joined: Oct 2016
Take your time. Make us wait. On the day of release, I want to be able to uninstall Pillars of Eternity and never look back. Make it happen.
Joined: Jan 2017
*wrong thread
Last edited by JxxV; 13/01/17 08:32 PM.
Joined: Feb 2017
if larian read it all then lets try out something , what happen to the skill of lohse ? hail strike ? I remember when i first try the game that skill had only one circle that rain ice , it was so awesome it was one of the reason why lohse was one of my favorite character, it feels so powerfull! now the skill looks really bad three circle that drop one huge ice block ? I don't know why they have changed it, can somebody explain me why ? the animation of the skill was so much better before...
Last edited by Sampicpic; 03/02/17 05:37 AM.
Joined: Jan 2009
if larian read it all then lets try out something , what happen to the skill of lohse ? hail strike ? I remember when i first try the game that skill had only one circle that rain ice , it was so awesome it was one of the reason why lohse was one of my favorite character, it feels so powerfull! now the skill looks really bad three circle that drop one huge ice block ? I don't know why they have changed it, can somebody explain me why ? the animation of the skill was so much better before...
The big problem with the first version was that the displayed radius was very inaccurate, and when you thought you were safe, you could injure and kill party members and allies. It was also too powerful by far (and only for 1 AP!), so it was nerfed from 4 projectiles to 3. Now the actual damage radius matches the preview radius. This is also an alpha and things change.
Joined: Aug 2003
Not to nitpick but could you change the forum banner so the gog icon is also there.
Not in the mood for cheese? That excuse has more holes than a slice this fine Gorgombert!
Joined: Feb 2017
thx for the reply ! now i got a better understanding !
Joined: Oct 2016
if larian read it all then lets try out something , what happen to the skill of lohse ? hail strike ? I remember when i first try the game that skill had only one circle that rain ice , it was so awesome it was one of the reason why lohse was one of my favorite character, it feels so powerfull! now the skill looks really bad three circle that drop one huge ice block ? I don't know why they have changed it, can somebody explain me why ? the animation of the skill was so much better before...
The big problem with the first version was that the displayed radius was very inaccurate, and when you thought you were safe, you could injure and kill party members and allies. It was also too powerful by far (and only for 1 AP!), so it was nerfed from 4 projectiles to 3. Now the actual damage radius matches the preview radius. This is also an alpha and things change. If I did not get it wrong you can still be affected slighlty out of the circle.
Joined: Apr 2017
Just did my 3rd playthrough, and I'm still discovering new things ! Well, it's still an alpha, I can see somethings are still WIP. Is that possible to have a thread that keep us inform about known bugs / next improvements in next iteration, etc. Just a roadmap if possible  That being said, if I can say something to Larian.. I love the job you do guys. DoS 1 was the best game ever played, I just see the alpha of the 2nd opus and I just wait for the next patch to get into another run  . Really, go on Larian
Last edited by Sortune; 18/04/17 07:43 AM.
Joined: Jun 2017
Are there more streach goals ? Or was Game master mode the last one ?
The best class is the Jack of all Trades
Joined: Dec 2013
In desperation, since its a looong time til DOS 2 finally hits my PC I have started to play DOS:EE again. Two things strike me - how much I prefer the updated UI of DOS, and that I liked most (not all) companions in DOS 2 whereas I loath then on DOS:EE. Oh I am so looking forward to the final product, thank you for all your hard work and good luck!
Joined: Jul 2017
Are y'all giddy to read about the exciting tales of The Prince and Me? Starring, The Prince and Me? Cause he better be everything I fantasized him to be otherwise my fanfictions shall suffer.
Also, when you describe his lips, can you make them cherry flavored? I like to imagine suckling on his cherry flavored lips.
Joined: Jul 2017
Nvm, they already did it...
Last edited by Ipomcea; 31/07/17 05:42 AM.
There are very many hard decisions you come across in life... As in whether you should get a life or play divinity for 16 hours a day... I chose the latter.
Joined: Jul 2017
I think a very useful thing to have would be setting a hotkey to add items to wares, because when you have like 30 or so items in your inventory it's annoying to right click and then click add to wares when with a hotkey you could just move your cursor while tapping the hotkey and add it all to wares like 3x more quickly.
There are very many hard decisions you come across in life... As in whether you should get a life or play divinity for 16 hours a day... I chose the latter.