Originally Posted by YOGZULA
Anyone arguing that the feature which is essentially the 'Zombie' talent is detrimental to the character is just dumb. It's really powerful. Anyone who played OS 1 enough knows this. Getting it for free is really powerful.

Will there be some downside? Yes, that's the point. The whole point of the Zombie talent and now the undead race is that it changes the gameplay dynamic a bit. It gets less simple, but if played properly, it can be more powerful. If you don't want the Zombie talent, you don't skill into it. If you don't want to play undead, you don't play undead.

Why is this a topic worth crying about? You have the complete freedom to play however you choose to.

Eh some people like to nit pick. This is obviously something that will probably be modded and to begin with it's not a big deal. Not enough to justify the insults and arrogance OP came in swaggering with, anyway. Great, he's not playing undead because of nit picking. Who cares?

My two brothers are debating between it or not. I'm picking up either aethurage or geomancy as my second skill depending on their choice; either way I'll be able to support them/heal them and still do damage/disable.

Even if only one of them goes undead we're not novice rpg games; he will modify his build to account for less healing or we'll keep a healthy stock of poison potions/grenades around.

Half the fun is making your group work against whatever the game challenges you with unless you're a diehard group of min/maxers.