The prison escape route through the prison, that is the boat escape route, with the two soldiers and child, appears to be bugged.

If you attack the soldiers (starting the fight) the child himself becomes registered as a combatant and an enemy, without him being hit by anything. This persists for the rest of the game. After I managed to beat the two guards to death that were stopping him, rather than him being marked as green/yellow, he stayed red. Whereas I left combat, and he did not attack me, he still showed up red on the map. When I highlighted over him, the action was automatically to attack, I had to right click to talk to him. After escaping I attempted to go talk to some of the people that are usually neutral/green, and rather than talking to me, they were all marked red, and attacked on sight.

I was unaware that the problem would persist past that point, and the autosave feature had not saved in about 2 hours for some reason, I would have gone from almost 5, to 3, and would have had to redo several difficult fights. (My quick saves apparently overwrote themselves after reaching a certain number, and I am therefore incapable of continuing.

I'd assume it was a tag issue, I jumpstarted the attack sequence because the guy in the prison cells (I tried to rescue him) got two shot at one point, from 10 armor full health to dead by the archers ( smirk ) was dead, I didn't have the persuasion option, and therefore I had no reprieve to talking them out of their attack on me.
