Originally Posted by michaelgalt1984
Want to see what changes there have been made to crafting... and if we have actual witchcraft spells or not. Kinda bizarre to have witches without an actual spell school, since necromancy seems to be more appropriate to... necromancers. I really liked the witchcraft spell school and would be pretty disappointed if it has indeed been cut. It would be pretty awesome to add that to my nature's avenger... he summons things from the environment, then starts turning his enemies against each other or weakening them against the attacks of his minions.

Witchcraft was renamed Necromancy.
DOS1 Necromantic spell were the witchcraft spec (decaying touch, raise dead, etc.)
So I am fairly certain you won't have new specific "witchcraft" since in DOS1 and DOS2 Witchcraft = Necromancy.

I am sure you'll find ppl complaining in the first game that Witchcraft wasn't called Necromancy. That's just a name what's important is the spell they bring and the gameplay, not the label.