Wow, I'm genuinely a little pissed that they haven't officially stated at what time it will be released and that it looks like there won't be preloading.

So, their Facebook says the launch event begins at 1000 PDT... which is noon my time (central). But, someone here claimed Steam had told them 0730 eastern time, which would make it 0630 for me. And, in a different thread, I read it would be 1700 Belgian time... which would make it 1000 for me.

So, basically, sometime between 0630 and 1200 is what I'm working with at this point. Given it takes me about an hour to download 8 gb... if I have to download all 24-35 gb (which is the range which I heard) without preloading.... it'll take me nearly 4 hours to complete. So, sounds like best case scenario is that I will be able to play around 1030, but, possibly not until 1600... too bad I have work at 1730. I might literally only have time to create my character and assemble my party and then have to leave. 1st world problems? Maybe. But, if there was stupid preloading, even if it wasn't released until 1200... I would have FIVE hours to play it instead of 1... :l

I really hope it preloads....