So we've got about 2 hours left or so... and definitely going to start a new game once the release is installed (even if current save games are compatible (which I never saw if that's confirmed or not (but probably isn't))).

Should I:

A - play a few rounds of League of Legends while I wait?

B - play Gwent for two hours against NPCs in TW3?

C - drive around and waste some gas to just kill time while I drink some coffee and mentally / physically prepare for this and get some 6-speed action in before I inevitably go into hibernation (hardcore gaming mode) for (at least) 2 months?

D - find a way to contribute to the other threads in this forum in a way that is constructive and non-inflammatory?

E - sleep for 2 more hours and just wake up, install and play - even though I don't think I'll be able to fall back asleep at this rate? (I'm sure there's a potion for that).

In my line of work, it's never a quiet day on the market.