Joined: Dec 2013
Except when the answers have already been provided, in full perhaps 
Pride, honour and purity
Joined: Nov 2015
Because someone has been PMing me asking why the CE isn't working, "i've done all you said!".. Only to (in the third subsequent PM) tell me that "i don't need to alt tab! But i did everything else!".. F.O.L.L.O.W.I.N.G. T.H.E. I.N.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.O.N.S. is really a must. When we don't know, we start by listening. Often in life, this leads to wonderful things! That aside, shameless /bump Moose where art thou Well, I tried the alt tab first of course, but it didnt work  . But now Ive found a way to make this work the easy way and with a lot more choices (but most of them like unlimited health and so on are a no go at least for me). If you, as I had a problem with this, try out this script instead. http://forum.cheatengine.org/viewto...amp;sid=dc08204e4dea210308664d58ec60f569Works a lot better, at least for me (still cheat engine though, so follow Aenras instruction when installing the engine, otherwise just use my link and start hacking away). For me this table was straight forward 1. Install cheat engine 2. Fire up the game. Escape the game by using the windows button 3. Press the .ct table (automatically starts cheat engine) 4. Select process to open 5. Press First scan 6. Hack away. 7. Save the game.
Last edited by Fonzosh; 31/03/16 05:35 PM.
Joined: Nov 2015
Because someone has been PMing me asking why the CE isn't working, "i've done all you said!".. Only to (in the third subsequent PM) tell me that "i don't need to alt tab! But i did everything else!".. F.O.L.L.O.W.I.N.G. T.H.E. I.N.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.O.N.S. is really a must. When we don't know, we start by listening. Often in life, this leads to wonderful things! That aside, shameless /bump Moose where art thou Well, I tried the alt tab first of course, but it didnt work  . But now Ive found a way to make this work the easy way and with a lot more choices (but most of them like unlimited health and so on are a no go at least for me). If you, as I had a problem with this, try out this script instead. http://forum.cheatengine.org/viewto...amp;sid=dc08204e4dea210308664d58ec60f569Works a lot better, at least for me (still cheat engine though, so follow Aenras instruction when installing the engine, otherwise just use my link and start hacking away). For me this table was straight forward 1. Install cheat engine 2. Fire up the game. Escape the game by using the windows button 3. Press the .ct table (automatically starts cheat engine) 4. Select process to open 5. Press First scan 6. Hack away. 7. Save the game. BTW, be sure to check outthe hidden file that cheat engine creates. Ive noticed that this becomes quite big every time you scan the game (mine was over 45 GB). The program creates a hidden file under C:/users/(user name)/appdata so be sure to remove it.
Joined: May 2016
Has anyone of you had any luck with the latest GoG version? I haven't found any way to edit my characters that actually works :(
Joined: Dec 2013
@tobi1449 the last time i told someone they were doing it wrong, we had an SJW intervening to their rescue. So let me merely ask if by 'latest' you mean the (last patch the game got) or the update from a day before adding nothing but GoG Galaxy support.
CE works as a charm for me in I don't do "galaxy", i don't do "steam" and "achievementzzz", so if that's what giving you issues, i'm afraid i cannot be of help. A good day to you.
Pride, honour and purity
Joined: Jun 2016
I just purchased D:OS and have played it for several days. I would like to tinker with some stats just for fun. My version is 1.0.252. Is athere a version of Moosedit that works with this version. I read all of the posts and downloaded vers #34 but can not seem to get it to work properly.
Thanks in advance for any help. Tom
Joined: Mar 2003
That version of MooseEdit (the latest) should work with the latest version of D:OS Classic. What are you having a problem with, installation, startup / configuration or editing saves?
Joined: Jun 2016
The Moose edit opens and I put this path in the player profiles folder C:\Users\Tom\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin\PlayerProfiles\
In the data folder I Used C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Divinity - Original Sin/Data On the left side I see my game saves and if I click on one the preview shows the picture, date, time and Main. That's as far as I get. I'm running win 10. I can open the main.pak using the pak option.
Thanks for your reply and help Tom
Last edited by Thom; 14/06/16 05:12 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
After you select a save and it shows the preview screenshot and info, you need to click on the Load button at the bottom of the save list. That will add tabs for each of the characters, and let you edit their stats, equipment, skills, etc.
Joined: Jun 2016
Thank you very much. I had the taskbar locked to the bottom of the screen and the Load button was hidden under it. It seems to be working now.
Thanks again Tom
Joined: Jul 2014
will there ever be a version of this for enhanced edition?
Joined: Jul 2014
i just cant get the cheat engine to work, all i want to to is respec a few points on my chars.....
there is nothing related to characters when i right click the drop down box after hitting enter on the script or w/e yes i have alt tabbed
really hoping divinity 2 has a respeccer that is not unlocked at 15 or w/e crazy level it is atm
Last edited by adecoy95; 01/07/16 11:24 AM.
Joined: Oct 2015
Is DaityMoose still following this thread? Is anyone in touch with him? Did this just become an instruction thread for CE? Can anyone explain to him that all of our lives have stopped, and we haven't done anything else all these months but wait for an update on MooseEdit?!
Joined: Jul 2014
I'm looking for a way to edit the voice and personality of my D:OS EE characters. Is the save game editor in the OP able to do this? If not, is there another way to do this?
Edit: MooseEdit seems to not load EE saves. I set up the PlayerProfiles folder and also the Game Data folder, and pressed Load, though nothing happened.
Joined: Jul 2014
I'm in the same boat. Have ruined ability to get Leandra's spell because the mirror back to get it is cracked, despite the tips available online (must be an EE thing)  If someone can update save editor for EE saves, that would be amazing. I want to finish this game (death knight free) before buying Original Sin 2. Many thank.
Joined: Jun 2015
You might have read the whole thread and found out that the editor does not work with the EE and that there is no alternative for it.
You might google for some 'Cheat Engine' scripts for the Enhanced Edition that can be used to modify some things while the game is running. Since I never used Cheat Engine myself, I cannot give you any info on how to use it and what can be changed with them. You'd have to find out yourselves. Nor can I say if the Death Knight Bane spell can be applied with them.
It's really weird though that the mirror would break before Leandra's spell has been acquired. If I remember correctly, I left the mines once before getting the spell and could enter there again. But then, my memory might fool me ...
Joined: Sep 2017
in case someone still cares/doesn't know: since i'm not a fan of cheat engine i came up with a way to edit saves in the enhanced edition (without corruption error messages). (if this method or something better was already posted here then sorry but the last posts didn't seem to indicate that)
what you need to do is pretty similar to other approaches mentioned here. get the converterapp (gr2 converter(lslib)) and use it to extract the save from .lsv to several .lsf and convert the globals.lsf to globals.lsx (just to make it more pleasant to edit) in the globals.lsx (you can just open it with notepad++ or something) you will find all things concerning your player characters.
for example if you search for attribute id="Name" value="*name of character*" you get sent to something like this:
<node id="PlayerCustomData"> <attribute id="Initialized" value="True" type="19" /> <attribute id="Name" value="" type="29" /> <attribute id="ClassType" value="Cleric" type="22" /> <attribute id="SkinColor" value="4293311640" type="5" /> <attribute id="HairColor" value="4292916844" type="5" /> <attribute id="ClothColor1" value="4286513152" type="5" /> <attribute id="ClothColor2" value="4286513152" type="5" /> <attribute id="ClothColor3" value="4286513152" type="5" /> <attribute id="IsMale" value="False" type="19" /> <attribute id="Race" value="Human" type="28" handle="h49d469beg94d4g42f5g9aa2g63d099c60abf" /> which should be fairly easy to understand and edit (skills abilitys and stuff are always above that entry) if you for example just want to give your chars more points search for this (above the entry you searched prior): <node id="PlayerUpgrade"> <attribute id="AttributePoints" value="0" type="4" /> <attribute id="AbilityPoints" value="2" type="4" /> <attribute id="TalentPoints" value="1" type="4" /> it's really not that tough to find stuff. once you are done you save the changes convert the lsx back to lsf and then you move everything into the savefolder (remove the original save but keep the picture) you do not need to repack anything just make sure in the save folder is:
a folder named levelcache a png a globals.lsf (the one you changed) and a meta.lsf
then start the game and load the save. you will get a checksum error message (because the checksum mds is wrong) just click okay and make a new save.
the new save will have a newly generated correct checksum but is flagged as corrupted. what you need to do is extract that new save (again from lsv to a bunch of lsf) and this time convert the meta.lsf to meta.lsx and open that. find the line: <attribute id="Sanity" value="False" type="19" /> and change that to <attribute id="Sanity" value="True" type="19" /> convert it back to lsf. stuff everything in the new save folder like we did with the original save and you should be able to load that save normally with your changes made and without an error message.
editing quests is a bit of a pain but the whole manual save editing deal really sounds like a lot more work and thinking than it is. just take your time and only change things you can immediately test in-game so you don't break anything.
i hope that helps someone ^-^
Joined: Apr 2013
you do not need to repack anything just make sure in the save folder is:
a folder named levelcache a png a globals.lsf (the one you changed) and a meta.lsf
then start the game and load the save. you will get a checksum error message (because the checksum mds is wrong) just click okay and make a new save.
the new save will have a newly generated correct checksum but is flagged as corrupted. what you need to do is extract that new save (again from lsv to a bunch of lsf) and this time convert the meta.lsf to meta.lsx and open that. find the line: <attribute id="Sanity" value="False" type="19" /> and change that to <attribute id="Sanity" value="True" type="19" /> convert it back to lsf. stuff everything in the new save folder like we did with the original save and you should be able to load that save normally with your changes made and without an error message.
You could simply repack the savegame into an .LSV instead of running the game, saving, reextracting, editing meta.lsx and repacking the LSV. Also, D:OS 2 also hashes/verifies meta.lsf, so the savegame corruption warning would still trigger after manually editing the Sanity flag.
Joined: Sep 2017
You could simply repack the savegame into an .LSV instead of running the game, saving, reextracting, editing meta.lsx and repacking the LSV. Also, D:OS 2 also hashes/verifies meta.lsf, so the savegame corruption warning would still trigger after manually editing the Sanity flag.
weird... repacking the save never fixed the error message for me. but if that works for others great! makes the process even easier.  about the corruption warning still showing after editing the sanity flag: i don't have D:OS 2 yet and i have no idea, this was only meant for D:OS1EE.
Last edited by vometia; 29/09/17 08:44 PM. Reason: formatting
Joined: Sep 2017
you do not need to repack anything just make sure in the save folder is:
a folder named levelcache a png a globals.lsf (the one you changed) and a meta.lsf
then start the game and load the save. you will get a checksum error message (because the checksum mds is wrong) just click okay and make a new save.
the new save will have a newly generated correct checksum but is flagged as corrupted. what you need to do is extract that new save (again from lsv to a bunch of lsf) and this time convert the meta.lsf to meta.lsx and open that. find the line: <attribute id="Sanity" value="False" type="19" /> and change that to <attribute id="Sanity" value="True" type="19" /> convert it back to lsf. stuff everything in the new save folder like we did with the original save and you should be able to load that save normally with your changes made and without an error message.
You could simply repack the savegame into an .LSV instead of running the game, saving, reextracting, editing meta.lsx and repacking the LSV. Also, D:OS 2 also hashes/verifies meta.lsf, so the savegame corruption warning would still trigger after manually editing the Sanity flag. Can you guys pls tell me step by step how to change skillpoints in DOSEE ? Btw i dont got the global.lsf and meta.lsf in the gamefolder (my documents) And also it seems that i cannot use the Pak/LSV Tool in LSLIB v1.8.6 /e Internal error! System.ArgumentOutofRangeException: Nicht negative Zahl erforderlich. Parametername: count bei System.IO. BinaryReader.ReadBytes(Int32 count) bei LSLib.LS PackageWriter.WriteV13(FileStream mainStream) bei LSLib.LS PackageWriter.Write() bei LSLib.LS. Packager. CreaterPackage(String packagePath, String inputPath, UInt32 version, CompressionMethod compression, Boolean fastCompression) bei ConverterApp.PackagePane. createPackageBtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Last edited by Lonya; 02/10/17 12:32 PM.
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