Joined: Sep 2017
Every time when I get close to the kitchen in Fort Joy, game freezes for ~60 seconds, during its freeze time, the game is using ~90% Memory viewed in task manager, my laptop has 16G Memory.
Now this game is unplayable to me, even start a new game I have to afraid this freeze stuff would occur again.
Joined: Sep 2017
[quote=Testing] Same issue here. Same problem exists in D:OS EE when quicksaving games: I get that freezing issue and it shows like 1 frame every 5 seconds and i see my character teleport around the place while this happens until it suddenly fixes itself. What helped was deleting unnecessary saves, but i only have 10 saves in D:OS2 so that can't be the problem now :( [/quote]
I just tried deleting all savegames but one, but it seems the problem is bound to each save.
For future visitors: It seems after a point in the game (10-12 hours in) some event occurs that makes the central fort joy area (kitchen-square) cause massive lag (likely memory related).[/quote]
Yep, at some point NPC's take like 30 seconds to decide what to do in combat too o.O
Last edited by NotCYF; 16/09/17 05:05 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
Same issue here. Freezes for about 60s every time we walk near the kitchen and the cave entrance(next to stingtail). Its unplayable.
Hope it gets fix soon enough.
Joined: Sep 2017
Part 3 of this for me now: My save games now are taking upwards of 3 - 5 minutes to load. They sit around 70% loaded and then hang there for a full minute or more before being able to make progress.
I have a save from the intro area (the boat) that loads up in under 5 seconds.
What in the hell is going on?
Joined: Jun 2010
Exact same issue, unfortunately I also have only 8gb RAM so it's even worse for me. Definitely a memory leak somehow embedded into the save though, I can run DOS2 side by side w/ Afterburner and watch memory increase by ~100mb every 2-3 seconds until it hits 7,5gb or so and crashes. Obviously no such issues when starting a new game. Also the problem with increased loading times, at the start that was the only oddity - but as time went on it became worse and worse until the game is no longer playable. I suspect the issue is more or less universal if you spend too long in Fort Joy, I guess I shouldn't have taken it slow and steady on Tactician difficulty as I'm ~8 hours in and have still not escaped. Maybe it's a fail safe implemented to make us play quicker 
Joined: Sep 2017
I have the same issue. Loads quickly to about 70% then takes forever to finish.
I can't waypoint to Fort Joy courtyard now. The ram usage skyrockets to 99% and everything freezes. Edit: Same thing happens if i walk into Fort Joy courtyard from a distant waypoint, everything freezes. Edit2: Changing everything to lowest settings changes nothing. Saves take about 20s to complete.
Game is, sadly, hardly playable :/
Last edited by Deax; 16/09/17 08:36 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
Same thing is happening to me. All of my saves for the last 8-10 hours are corrupt. If I try to load a save after the first load, it gets about 3/4 of the way loading, then crashes to desktop. It will only let me load a save file once I've restarted the game after it crashes. I really don't want to replay those 8-10 hours again, especially when I don't even know if the files will just get corrupted again. It's aggravating, I really was enjoying this game and want to play it, but not if I'm worried the whole time that every time I save, the file could be corrupt and useless. I guess I'll wait and see if they acknowledge the issue and fix it. This sucks, as I was looking forward to a Divinity weekend.
Last edited by adamaj; 16/09/17 07:57 AM.
Joined: Jun 2010
It probably will happen again until they fix the issue, no sense restarting now unless you're fine rushing through Fort Joy and never looking back.
Joined: Sep 2017
Same problem here. I am also in Fort Joy and reloading crashes me to desktop. I already sent some bug files. Hope this helps. Would be nice to know if my save files are now corrupted and i should restart the game or if i can continue to play. (I don't die that often).
Joined: Sep 2017
For me the issue fixed after escaping Fort Joy, it seems to be area specific. [b]This seems to be an issue with the script engine lagging really badly in Fort Joy[/b]
Last edited by NotCYF; 16/09/17 09:08 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
Same issues here, when it freezes I can't do anything but reboot my computer, can't even access to my desk and close the game...It always happen around fort Joy. And my saves take age to load (when it's not crashing)....
Sorry for my language I'm ESL.
Joined: Sep 2017
[quote=NotCYF]For me the issue fixed after escaping Fort Joy, it seems to be area specific. [b]This seems to be an issue with the script engine lagging really badly in Fort Joy[/b] [/quote]
I can confirm that the quickload crash is gone after leaving Fort Joy. Loading a save after Fort Joy works without problem.
Last edited by Henk; 16/09/17 10:06 AM.
Joined: Sep 2016
I'm having the same issue with save file corruption as well. I've also spent 10+ hours in Fort Joy speaking to people, stealing from some. This started happening to me after I got my collar removed and fought some of the magisters. Might be unrelated, but several companions got the permanent Wet effect as well.
At this point, it would take around a minute to load the courtyard of Fort Joy in front of Lucian's statue. As I progressed a little after this, the game just froze around this area without successfully loading it. Memory usage went up to 99% (the game used about 10GBs of it), while HDD I/O and Paging errors increased considerably.
It's just a guess, but it seems that this bug started happening after I stole some stuff and ran away without ever letting the NPC I stole from confront me.
Also, it seems to me that saving without pausing the game in the meantime is just asking for trouble...
Joined: Jun 2014
Do you mean the island or only the fort? Because I escaped the fort and now am in the swamps but every quickload kills the game and also if I port back to the kitchen.
Joined: Aug 2017
Got the same issues, now past fort joy, loading times have become insane and I loading without restarting the game results in a crash
I picked tactician mode so I have to reload frequently, game is a fucking chore to play this way.
Last edited by Niklasgunner; 16/09/17 10:32 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
It seems there are some similarities here. I wonder if there is a common denominator based on what I read here. Has almost everyone Stolen from most NPCs and then run away before they found them?
Joined: Jun 2010
It seems there are some similarities here. I wonder if there is a common denominator based on what I read here. Has almost everyone Stolen from most NPCs and then run away before they found them? Yes, several times. But most people run away after stealing stuff, right? So you'd expect this bug to be a very common occurrence then. Edit; That being said, I do remember the crashes on loading started happening after stealing from one of the girls in the kitchen. But that might just be coincidence.
Last edited by Eolath; 16/09/17 11:11 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
Having the same exact issue. Memory skyrockets, and the game is freezing
Joined: Sep 2017
Same problem. Stealed and runned aswell but don't think this is it.
Found this fix but don't know if it's good: http://larian.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=605573
Steam forum have the same issue aswell.
*minor spoiler* My save crash just after I get Alexander on my vision sight.
Joined: Dec 2016
Based on what I've seen on Reddit and the Steam forums people are experiencing the crashes after installing the latest 10MB patch. In my case the game crashed and the most recent autosave is glitched so I can't control one of my characters. When I try to reload an earlier save file the entire game crashes.