After about 3 hours in the game I quickloaded and my game crashed.

After checking the rest of my saves I noticed that saves made past a certain point would only load if I restarted the game completely, if I tried to load while playing or quickloading the game would crash.

So, I went to one of my earlier saves that worked and kept playing from there. At some point the game froze for 30sec-1min but it didn't crash. Any save made after the freeze would act like the previous broken ones, if I tried to load it while playing it would crash and if I loaded it after restarting it would load but it would take a huge time to do so.

Basically I had to constantly quicksave the rest of the time because the game would freeze at random and after the freezes the saves would be broken. All the freezes seemed to happen in the fort joy courtyard near the waypoint shrine.

Last edited by ecogen; 15/09/17 12:57 AM.