Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
That map looks pretty good to me.  Also smegging things up; a Red Dwarf fan by any chance? Yes.  I've pinged Renwex who's hopefully still interested and reading his emails as he did the actual mapping, all I can do myself is mangle it with carelessly applied additions.
J'aime le fromage.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
Talking of smegging it up, I realise I have done, rather badly: having gone from memory rather than actually being thorough about it, I've incorrectly marked Hunter's Edge as Driftwood and actually missed off most of the DOS2 map as I'd completely forgotten what point we'd tried to figure stuff out. Which was between the beta and the full release IIRC.
So please disregard the map. I shall perhaps make a lame attempt to integrate Reaper's Coast into it somehow though I lack Renwex's skill or vision to do so. I'm stil going to guess it's on the same landmass but it may or may not be: all I know offhand is that Arx is on about the same longitude as Aleroth, so it's theoretically in the right place... but may not be.
J'aime le fromage.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
More discussion on how badly I messed up and stuff here, where it belongs.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Nov 2019
Just reading the first page here, realising it doesn't happen automatically (silly me for thinking it does), and I don't like to sound ungrateful, or rather not sound grateful, yea that's better, so whoever removed my collar, thanks disembodied voice, I guess. Does it mean, I could set up my own avatar from that very moment .. or well from just now on, because silly me didn't know? I might as well stick to the default one, but I guess asking doesn't empty my coin purse, does it?
Joined: Mar 2003
If it was done automatically, spammers would just post repeatedly, which would defeat the point of restrictions on new users.
You could have changed your avatar as soon as you no longer had to use a captcha to post. Usually it only takes one or two posts before the restrictions are removed (unless there are just 'me too' style posts), but sometimes longer, depending on the schedule of mods and how frequently you post.
Joined: Nov 2019
Guess I'm just used to another forums, where it is indeed automatic. I'm not saying that this method is wrong, quite the opposite. It just took me damn too long to find out, that it isn't that way here. As for the avatar, the above can be applied as well, it simply took me long to figure out, that I can change it. But not a big deal, I'm quite used to the default one for some time now, so I may be sticking to it anyway. I just wanted to say "thankee thankee thankee" and better not mention that hatch over there. XD
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
I have no idea which of us activated your account! But yeah, it's manual as some of the, erm, "creatively irrelevant" contributors we've had in the past have shown remarkable determination.
The default avatar is the ED logo (well, you no doubt know that already!) which materialises thanks to a particularly horrible fragment of SQL (horrible because I wrote it, and additionally horrible because it's SQL) that gets run periodically so that I can keep track of who's already been "dealt with".
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Nov 2019
That ma-a-a-ah be so-o (I love the sheep's response on the Merryweather btw) with the avatar, but I'll see myself sticking to it, because I happen not to be creative enough (or just plain lazy) to find one fitting for myself and yes, the spinning logo from ED is easily recognizable (although it doesn't spin here, but that's not an issue) and I like it anyway. I might put some points into Persuation, Strength and Wits and persuade the other members to change their avatar, so mine would look unique. XD
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
You could always creatively modify it! I still tend to think of other people's avatars as just being them. Well mine is me... and even I think it's glaring at me, but y'know. People's avatars should be individual and I get confused when they're not. Obviously "I get confused" doesn't imply that I'm ever not.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Nov 2019
I'm not skilled enough to modify it (also wouldn't dare to touch this masterpiece, plus creativity in this case is strange to me anyway, I can be creative with words sometimes, well most the time, probably, but not with pictures), so I'll rather have to blend with the rest, I suppose. Perhaps some day, when feeling the need to fight my laziness, I might find something, that will create let's say enough diversity. For now I feel lazy enough to stick to this fine peace of art (that has every other new member here).
Joined: Oct 2020
I would appreciate an HTML restriction lift. I have fully formatted a large number of bugs I've picked up and listed on reddit and would like to submit here with all the beautiful formatting that I have on reddit. Proof of intent:https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/ji2l0q/my_master_bug_collection/
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
I'm afraid HTML isn't going to happen: there's too much potential for security holes, formatting problems and so on. I know the BBcode is rather restricted in comparison but that's all that is available, I'm afraid. Sorry.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Oct 2022
I just registered an account and found that I cannot post a new thread. I can only reply to an existing thread or PM someone.
Joined: Sep 2017
I just registered an account and found that I cannot post a new thread. I can only reply to an existing thread or PM someone.
Lawrence I can't see any immediate difference on your account as far as my access goes. So you'd best email support@larian.com and explain the issue there. Meanwhile, make sure you're actually in a subforum and see if you see a new thread button located here: ![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/rDFRa96.png)