Only 34 votes so far.

My take on the Armor system is that it wanted to take the randomness away from the tatics. For me, I like the randomness because it gives a sensation of playing tabletop RPG, that's why I didn't like the way it's designed.

As many people said, it is not viable to have a build that mixes both type of damages and even your team has to be either only 1 type of damage or a extreme controlled 2:2 hybrid to win fights, otherwise, one of the characters will be useless by not being able to damage vitality directly nor causing CC's. I don't dislike the idea of having something protecting your health, but splitting into two types is the main problem.

Also, since we're talking about this, I also dislike the accuracy system. The base being 95% means most characters won't miss unless they have a negative condition (which can only be received by depleting their armor). I like the idea of not being able to rely on (almost) every single basic attack and spell. Maybe they could mix add more dodging options to tanky characters (simulating a high AC) and having the armor to gradually increase your resists to CC's.

I feel like this has been said too much by now, but if anyone makes a balanced mod with any of those ideas (all hail Baardvark), I'd love to play the game with them. With this system, I feel like my criativity is being constrained.