Sooo I'm having some issues with the digital edition I was rewarded for my Kickstarter pledge. I backed at the $125 Kickstarter Collector Edition(the one with 2x DOS II keys, not the one with 1 DOS II and a DOS EE), here are the three PMs I sent to Larian on KS about what I'm seeing as wrong here:

I have a problem.....I redeemed my GOG key for the "Divinity: Original Sin 2 Digital Collector's Edition Download" as soon as you guys made the keys available long before release except that now that the game actually released my game on GOG is just a regular edition and I do not have any of the content from any of the higher editions......can you help or am I just screwed now?

I just noticed that there was a second key for a second collector's edition I could claim and this one was a Divine Edition....which to be honest leaves me feeling kind screwed.....because I thought the digital collector edition was the highest edition and if it's not then the KS tiers and rewards were not clear there would be a higher edition that I'd miss on and I am left with no upgrade options at all because my only way to get the Eternal Edition would be by paying $89.....there is literally no way for me to pay $30 to upgrade....and one of my so called "Divinity: Original Sin 2 Digital Collector's Edition Download" keys was actually just a regular edition......that leaves me VERY bitter just about now.

Now granted the Eternal Edition contains things not included in my tier like the original DOS and the other Divinity games but I already own all of those and this basically locks me out forever from being able to own the other digital goods like the soundtrack and the various artbooks exclusive to the eternal edition......which ARE things listed are rewards for my tier....and you are painting me in a corner because you give me no upgrade option and if one existed I'd still have to pay again for four games I already own and digital rewards that ARE part of my tier. So I have one question: WHY?! Are you trying to force our hands to buy extra copies?