It's clear people aren't getting it. If in the core game all characters had a skill that instakilled anything, would you think it was stupid/broken?

"Oh but it's as hard as you want, just don't use it"
"I love the instakill! Can the peasants have something"
"Not everyone wants the game to be hard!"
"In your opinion you should have to work for to win fights, I think the game is hard enough as it is"

If it's in the core game it should be balanced. Free and unlimited redistribution of all points is over the top if it's in the core game. If you wanted to respec constantly so badly you could download a mod or enter the console or edit some game files, but that would be your out of game actions. Just like you could probably download a skill that did 1 billion damage directly to vitality on a 1 turn cooldown.

The contention is such a thing should not be available to such a degree, not that it exists at all.