Okay, from picking up bits and pieces from every comment so far and some of my insight on it.

Con is currently useless, because of the armor stats. In my opinion those armors are too OP. I'm not against them in general, having them protect you against magical or physical damage, but giving 100% resistance to most status effects makes them incredibly powerful.

Wits or rather Initiative doesn't really matter anymore and the argument about "you just go first with your entire team and CC them to death" doesn't really count either, since everyone got a ton of armor to begin with. So they practically implemented TWO systems to avoid ONE problem, which is being able to kill everything within one turn.

I'd rather go with buffing the armor points a bit, have them have higher numbers, but remove the 100% resistance. This way status effects still matter, but to actually damage the enemy they have to get through the corresponding armor at first (bleeding through armor, burning through magical armor, etc.).
Being able to run through ground effects, just because of armor sounds stupid to begin with.
Which makes them not as powerful as back in the first game.

Or leave it as it is, but get Initiative back to what it was before. You can't CC everyone either way, because of their armor. If you want to start earlier you end up making less damage, the same should go for the AI. Some enemies should have more wits, but in return have less HP and/or armor.

That's just a bit of how I'd have liked it, especially since I thoroughly enjoyed the first game and how it worked there.