Originally Posted by vometia
Originally Posted by drBrod
The difference, in my opinion, is that you cant accept that someone else could beat the original game (not modded) in a way that you consider easier.

This does seem to be an ongoing problem with RPGs in particular, I've noticed. I like SP games because I can do my own thing without feeling like someone else is trying to usher me along but sometimes it seems even SP isn't safe.

One of the earliest examples I saw (okay, it's comparatively recent, especially for someone who's been gaming on and off since the 1970s, but I'm somehow a latecomer to RPGs) was in Oblivion where I was surprised and not impressed with the number of suggestions that new players get rid of quality-of-life things like the Skeleton Key or Azura's Star. I remember accosting a few and they defended their "advice" on the basis that it would somehow enhance the newbies' gaming experience although their general attitude rather belied that claim: it seemed more a case of the big kids not wanting the little kids in their playground.

I've seen the same mentality a lot since then and still don't really understand it.

There is a difference between quality-of-life changes and casualizing mechanics into irrelevance.

If you rather have choice be completely inconsequential, rather than choices mattering, in a genre that is DEFINED by choice and consequence, because it somehow empowers the player, more power to you, that is where the market is headed.