Originally Posted by rumpelstilskin

i don't think it's 'cheese' actually. it's kind of a realistic thing to do, something you'd do in a PnP RPG (well, if we accept that it's not possible to climb over objects). it's more realistic than having knockdown blocked by armor, for instance.
i don't quite get what happens on your screenshots, though. is it about blocking the doorway with something and then setting the floor on fire?

AI avoid field effect like plague in Act 1 because of their low AP per turn and lack of leap/immunity. The fire force them to either end turn or run through it for massive amount of damage.

In act 2, AI actually use this against use and abuse Necrofire nearly on everything they do. You used oil? They die = Necrofire.

Last edited by Ellezard; 19/09/17 05:37 PM.