Joined: May 2015
CC on tactician mode can be a bit more involved than using a skill though That's called cheese, i have another example: ![[Linked Image]](https://preview.ibb.co/jRQ98k/Sin_t_tulo.png) ![[Linked Image]](https://preview.ibb.co/gGvbok/Sin_t_tulo2.png) This type of things should not be needed or your primary way to deal with something, it is just dumb and just proves by itself how broken is Tactician.
Joined: Dec 2016
"Outside the box thinking is not allowed in tactician."
Shame creativity must be dead for it to be accepted by the hive minds. That coffin trap is something most people will never even think of and it should be applauded for how creative that is.
Joined: Sep 2017
Weren't you the one making an explicit distinction between "tactics" and "exploits" somewhere else, and saying the later should be patched out ?
Note that I agree, such creative thinking is pretty nice to see. But that's also clearly an exploit.
Joined: Dec 2016
Exploits should involve something that the dev clearly overlooked when they wrote the code.
For example, the "retreat" mechanic never track who retreated so you can rejoin the fight for infinite turns as long as it's not over yet without giving enemies future turn, making any hard fight ridiculous easy because the enemies will never get to act more than once.
That is an example of exploit and can be fixed with 1 or 2 simple line of code to prevent giving people who leave the fight and reenter in the same turn another round of action.
This, however, is just preparing the field and making creative use of skill, something that Larian clearly support with their trailer on how you can just teleport people into instant death pit or that crazy balista insta killing enemies.
Can we stop everything that is useful and smart as exploit? I'm doing the fire mage boss and if someone calls me stacking 100% flame resist an exploit, they should stay away from turn-based game.
Joined: Jul 2014
That's called cheese, i have another example:
This type of things should not be needed or your primary way to deal with something, it is just dumb and just proves by itself how broken is Tactician.
i don't think it's 'cheese' actually. it's kind of a realistic thing to do, something you'd do in a PnP RPG (well, if we accept that it's not possible to climb over objects). it's more realistic than having knockdown blocked by armor, for instance. i don't quite get what happens on your screenshots, though. is it about blocking the doorway with something and then setting the floor on fire?
Joined: Oct 2016
That might be, and still it exploits an AI, that can't handle something like that.
It's similar to just collecting every oil and ooze barrel on the island and stacking them around the boss, before you make them explode all at the same time. Sure, it's creative, but still an exploit. Same goes to one-hitting them with a box filled with a shit ton of scrap.
Otherwise you can just go and collect those nearly industructible boxes and block every boss with them.
In reality they would just jump over those things or just move the aside as players could, but thanks to pathfinding they are like a wall.
Joined: Dec 2016
Feel like shit playing on tactician mode. Enemy has 100% heath/armor bonus vs classic somehow. (50% god know what and 50% difficulty). If you split your team's damage, you just handicapp yourself. Enemy with 150+ damage auto attack AND skills at level 9 - even trash mob. I steal a lot, but at level 9 when enemy (same level 9) deal 150+ damage ( Void dweller - the blue one 2-hits my 2h Fane why tanked 4 rounds against my best dd (near 100 damage) Sebellie . It's so ridiculous that bring 2h warrior to frontline mean certain death because he don't have enough armor to last even one turn from enemies. My main red prince tank can last a while BUT with a shield, because all that juice armor come from nothing but shield. Shield with 200+ physic/magic armor at level 9 so you can know how pitiful armor stats from clothes is. It's almost as you wearing nothing. And why even there is honor mode? Ironman-enabled-tactican = a mode wtf? I don't want to play classic because it's easy to own at that mode, but the ridiculousness of enemies at tactician mode is even worse. give them 25/30% bonus health/armor and 20% damage is enough. Everything 50% lolololololol.... I had to cheese the last fight at fort joy because their assassin/shrieker hit over 400 PER turn. He even soloed the void worm lolololol. Time to restart 16 hours tactician then. Combat feel much more like a chore now.
Joined: Dec 2016
i don't think it's 'cheese' actually. it's kind of a realistic thing to do, something you'd do in a PnP RPG (well, if we accept that it's not possible to climb over objects). it's more realistic than having knockdown blocked by armor, for instance. i don't quite get what happens on your screenshots, though. is it about blocking the doorway with something and then setting the floor on fire?
AI avoid field effect like plague in Act 1 because of their low AP per turn and lack of leap/immunity. The fire force them to either end turn or run through it for massive amount of damage. In act 2, AI actually use this against use and abuse Necrofire nearly on everything they do. You used oil? They die = Necrofire.
Last edited by Ellezard; 19/09/17 05:37 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
That might be, and still it exploits an AI, that can't handle something like that.
It's similar to just collecting every oil and ooze barrel on the island and stacking them around the boss, before you make them explode all at the same time. Sure, it's creative, but still an exploit. Same goes to one-hitting them with a box filled with a shit ton of scrap.
Otherwise you can just go and collect those nearly industructible boxes and block every boss with them.
In reality they would just jump over those things or just move the aside as players could, but thanks to pathfinding they are like a wall. well technically, i moved the coffins with telekinesis (they are not pickable i think), which the enemies don't have, and maybe they are for some reason too heavy to easily push aside. i think in general an object's HP will correlate with its mass, so AIs breaking objects is kind of like them trying to move them (i.e. heavier objects take longer to move).
Joined: Sep 2017
Exploits should involve something that the dev clearly overlooked when they wrote the code. Not being able to step over furniture isn't an overlook ?
Joined: Dec 2016
Exploits should involve something that the dev clearly overlooked when they wrote the code. Not being able to step over furniture isn't an overlook ? And isn't burning down the castle and blocking the pathway a method used all the time in wars? In such case, most enemies have 2 choices. Run away or break the obstacle to get to the player. It's a smart and legit method. We can look at this all we want but if they do add "Climb over" furniture then that should warrant an AoP from everyone in range because if that happens in the real world, the one to climb the furniture gonna get hit on his way. And after act 1, it becomes less abusive because everyone has a leap and dash now especially if you go against the undead bosses and void woken. If you don't know, you can even destroy ladder to go up to vantage point. These kind of strat that make it imposible for enemies to get to you are obviously covered by Larian "Creative fighting" playstyle. If not, the ladder would be invulnerable because it prevents any pure melee from ever getting to the ranger.
Joined: Sep 2017
Oh, and Zherot isn't content with keeping his issue with Tactician to one thread, he's created multiple threads on the same topic.
Ok, you have an issue with Tactician mode. Keep it organized and in one thread.
Don't create multiple threads on the same topic (which starts to fall under the mentality of SPAM).
Though I will agree they need an option for enemies to push or climb over obstacles. THAT I will agree on. Which would of course logically make them an easy target (probably a dodge penalty for the round to keep it simple) while doing so.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2014
Guess what i found out...
There is now LESS magisters in the Fort Joy courtyard, when you fight them together with that Paladin. At least three or four magisters have been removed from that fight compared to the EA versions of the game.
Probably because they would manage to kill the Paladin sometimes so some "players" were crying about it.
I also think one or two silent monks were removed from the Flenser fight. Im not completely sure but i think there were 4-5 of them in EA, now there are only three.
How tactical of you Larian.
I don't think you're right on this. Right now there are 5-6 Magisters in the fight. There is no way there were more than 6 or 7 in EA, certainly not 10. The Flenser fight in EA only had 3 Meat Golems. So youre saying im not correct because there was... more magisters in Ea ... ? And, is there any problem with noticing the difference between words "Silent Monks" versus - "Meat Golems"? In any case, along with a huge dumbing down of mechanics across the board, which made all elemental spells and effects useless superficial colorful shit - including all the elemental arrows which have become completely worthless, they also removed all of the saves and resistances and transmogrified them into "Silver!" and "Blue!" which either work or DONT. 1 or 0... And the Ai is no different between difficulty modes, there is no difference in numbers of enemies and they even made some fights easier by reducing the numbers of enemies. Instead of doing the opposite for the "tactician" mode. Despite and directly opposite to their promises for stretch goals.
Joined: Jan 2009
So youre saying im not correct because there was... more magisters in Ea ... ?
I'm saying that you're not correct because 1-2 is smaller than 3-4. And I'm not even sure that they took out even 2 guards. I forgot about the silent monks because I don't remember them ever joining the fight in the first place in EA.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2014
You didnt play the last Ea version but you should be able to read and understand simple words.
As to the rest of that reply...
i better just say nothing because its too disgusting to even think about that process.
Joined: Sep 2017
[quote=Nivv]I had to restart because you apparently cannot change difficulty once changing to tactician mode. To be clear, there was no warning beforehand that it would lock me into it.[/quote]
It is a bit dumb that you can't change difficulty mid game. I'd be surprised if they didn't change that.
Tactician mode feels pretty balanced to me, though. It is hardest at the start, but if you avoid conflict and search around for gear (there is plenty to pick up) then it's not too bad. There is also the trouble of walking into fights that are a higher level than you while you're still learning the areas, but usually fleeing is an option. I'm about halfway through Act 2 and haven't had to retry a fight in a long time - since maybe the middle of Act 1. That's not a gloat for my epeen, just a point of reference that it is doable.
Different party setups definitely make it easier or harder more than Tactician mode does IMO. I'm running 3 phy and a support mage, so I can use phy CC constantly. With 2 phy and 2 mag, I think it would be far more difficult to get through either phy/mag shield. Still doable, but I bet that's where a lot of you are getting frustrated.
For those saying that buffing the AI != increased tactics.. I just don't understand. On normal you can basically chew through enemies without planning your moves, but with the stronger enemies on Tactician mode you have to be... tactful. What other approach would you suggest? It's basically the best of all the feasible options I can think of.
Joined: Dec 2016
They all want more enemies with the same strength and new skills.
All it does is give more loots and if not reduced, more exp because you still deal way too much damage with updated gears. Right now, at level 16, a 10m Balistic highground shot with divined slotted weapon and a bunch of warfare/huntsman/finesse gears does like 2.3k damage. The enemy that are physically tanky only have like, wat? 1.8k health and 1.2 k physical armor. Without the 50% tankiness bonus, that becomes 2k total health/armor. An overkill with only 2 AP.
Joined: Oct 2016
Guess the core problem is the dumbed down attribute system, which makes you just pour every point into the main damage attribute and therefore lets damage numbers explode.
Joined: Dec 2016
The lack of proper resistance is the biggest issue. You don't have to alternate your playstyle. You just go "My physical damage are so overbloated it destroys EVERYTHING including ghost with its physical power"
Right now, the only counter to physical is dodge. And so far, only one fight has Evasive aura.
What I would have done is make Fin add 0.5 dodge rate and Wit increase accuracy. Con adds a 0.5% physical damage resist each point. And make magic wand hits anyway.
This way, magic, while delaing less damage, will be the more reliable option without the need for Wit. Con make it possible to reduce some physical damage. And that Wit will be needed in all physical build to keep hitting instead of going 40 str/fin asap.
Last edited by Ellezard; 19/09/17 09:23 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2014
They all want more enemies with the same strength and new skills. Didnt i tell you not to go around proclaiming what other people are saying or thinking? What "we" want is a true harder tactical mode where some buffs to enemy HP, Armors and Damage would be just a small addition and applied with care to specific enemy groups - not across the board and especially not as the only improvement. And those buffs should be dependent and tied to enemy levels, which should be tied to specific types of enemies appropriate for the narrative and game progression which would also necessitate and carry better Ai behavior, more skills and spells and abilities. Idiotic OP "epic" gear is only necessary or wanted by you.