While working on the quest-line "All in the Family" with Tarquin, returning to the graveyard we found that Tarquin had moved to the Lady Vengeance. After acquiring both pieces per Tarquin's request, talking to him on Lady Vengeance yields no option to complete the quest.

The only options given are;

Take a breather. What did he want from you again?
Say you'd like to discuss some trading, if possible
Tell him you haven't found the other piece of Anathema just yet, and take your leave.

These are the dialogue options given, despite having both pieces in the same inventory. We have tried reloading the save, switching it to a different character, dropping it on the ground and reloading the save, dismissing a companion and then reacquiring them and giving it to them, giving it to the companion and then dismissing them and reacquiring them.