Originally Posted by Akka
Originally Posted by geala
I referred to Akka's post, talking about multiplying your damage with 2,5.

Ellazard's post :

1% Crit chance seems weak but so is 5% base damage.

but when it becomes 30% crit chance, it's as strong as 150% base damage.

It compares 1 % crit to 5 % base damage, and then expand on saying that 30 % crit is equivalent to 150 % base damage.
So it's a GAIN of 30 % crit/150 % base damage. A gain of 150 % base damage means doing 250 % base damage, hence multiplying damage by 2,5.
Originally Posted by Ellezard
When you start abusing multi-hit attacks like Arrow storm every fight, the extra crit chace goes a long way.

Still don't see how 1/3 chance to do 150 % damage can be in any way, shape or form superior to simply doing 250 % damage.
Unless there is some very specific effect for a critical strike, the first is about 115 % of base damage, the other is doing 250 % of regular damage.

So : wut ?

If you're talking about 40 wits 10 fin, that's a crap build anyway because crit build needs some base damage going.

After a certain point, like 30 fin, 1 wit with crit gears add almost the same amount of potential damage per point since crit is a final multiplier.

And when stuff like warfare and ranged bonus are included, wit will start to add more damage.

This is even more obvious in 2H build because they can get +50% crit damage and even more if you have scoundrel from gear. At +30 Str and 220% crit damage, you deals 250% base and 550% if it crits.

So each point of crit here is worth around 3% extra total damage.

Each point into Str is worth around 2% extra damage.

And while it does have some diminishing return, it will still add more damage because you have even more str which scales even stronger with crit damage.

One argument on 2H is that you can use enrage but that thing sucks now since it eats 2 AP. you're better off using 2 attacks instead of just critting once because you will either deal the same amount of damage with no extra crit or crit twice and deal more damage. Right now, Enrage is only good for preempt strike unless you really want that Overpower to kill.

Edit: Fixed a potential misunderstanding about 30 str. I mean +30, not +20 on that 30 str.

Last edited by Ellezard; 20/09/17 09:03 AM.