One thing still certain though, after level 15, you still need to put every point into Wit since you can no longer stack Fin and Str.

And crit damage will only get higher because your Str won't stop at 40. My red prince str is at 52 at level 17 and he isn't even using a fully slotted gear framed with power.

Edit: Let me look at your math.

Edit2 : I looked at it and it a major problem.

So if we look at 100 hits, you're right, it does way more damage, because that's from a sustain perspective which goes against the nature of crit.

But we have to take in probability when you calculate like that because the nature of Crit is rng.

Instead, look at it this way.

Crit is +300 damage
Normal hit is +5

The attack must not crit for 60 times straight for +1 str to be better than 1 wits.

Which results in +1 str being better than +1 wit 54% of the the time at 250% base damage.

But let's say the bonus damage number is higher at something like 300% base damage with 2-h bonus added in as well. (Weapon talent adds up with Str/Fin as base multiplier in the game equation)

300% base
Crit is 300*2.2 = 660%
100 base damage

Crit is +360
+1 str is still +5 damage

You now need 72 hits for 1 str to beat the 1 wit and anything above that, str is better.

Out of the 72 hits at that point, 1 str is only better than 1 wit 48.49% of the time with no crit.

Now, wit is better for sustain damage as well because of the DR wall Str/Fin will hit much sooner than crit because of how weapon talent works.

And we're not including the scenario I described before that post where certain moves, like Highground Balistic shot, can kill in a single hit on enemies without tons of physical defense if it crits.

So after a certain point where gears start giving you a bunch of + stat and + weapon talent (Start around level 13 with legendary gears), Wit start to outshine Str/Fin because of the diminishing return while also offering win-big situation that gives a massive boost because you no longer have to overkill a 300 hp opponents with another 2 ap.

Last edited by Ellezard; 20/09/17 10:42 AM.