Originally Posted by MangoMan
Question: In your experience, how's best to distribute your attribute points? I.e Between INT, MEM, CON. Did you follow a particular ratio?

Well imo:

Int: Only to meet gear requirements
Memory: Most important stat for summoner, as a summoner you want a lot of 1AP support skills /w your summons like all the infusions and such. I'd go for a minimum of 10 skill slots
Wits: Higher initiative is good for summoner as your summon always seem to get their turn after you, you want your summons to get to "do their thing" as early as possible in a fight. Especially if you cycle summons like: Bloated corpse opener into bone widow /w supercharge into incarnate
Con: Any remaining points, also needed as summoner is best with a shield imo. Can grab stench to reduce the need for con