Originally Posted by Arkeus
Originally Posted by Ellezard
One thing still certain though, after level 15, you still need to put every point into Wit since you can no longer stack Fin and Str.

Why no hybrids?

Wouldn't it be fairly useful to have some Int on a ranger so they can do more magical damage when needed for enemies with low m.armour, or on a scoundrel or something?

Or is it completely useless to have non-buff spells on rangers/warriors/scoundrels? I know I do like my polymorph on my scoundrel, but it's kind of a weird school, and I heard necromancy was great on a warrior (and I guess Aero is good on a scoundrel and geo on a warrior too).

I would have guessed some int could help a ranger if you want some pyro or something.

Use elemental arrow. Scales with fin and your weapon, dealing way more damage than you will ever do with non-source spell.

Also Arrow storm is ridiculously OP and needs to be nerfed. At level 17, it shoots 16 arrows, each dealing around 700. This can crit and benefits from high ground and around 5 of them will land on each target in the area.

The darn thing does 7k damage to everyone in the area with only highground and no crit at level 17! Like, wtf? Enemies barely have more than 1.7k armor and 2.5k health at level 17. That's almost twice their health.

Last edited by Ellezard; 20/09/17 11:12 AM.