Joined: Oct 2016
I would wish back the system from the first game. They influenced only the change to hit not the damage from the regarding weapon type, which held damage numbers far more unter control.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2004
During the EA the monks would occasionally join the fight and I could never figure out the trigger. No there was no AOE damage to them; they would just occasionally join. Here I had a similar thing where they joined one fight but not another. Anyway I'm not real happy with tactitian mode. I just finished act 1 so i'm not nearly as far as you all but I worry that later on I will reach a point where I will be forced to start over. It can be just bloody hard to take them down sometime. So far the hardest fight (for me) was the one where the voidmucker ambush you (not the fight with Alex but earlier near the pigs). I'm sure most would find my solution cheesy but that critter could one round kill each of my characters - he really was over-kill. So youre saying im not correct because there was... more magisters in Ea ... ?
I'm saying that you're not correct because 1-2 is smaller than 3-4. And I'm not even sure that they took out even 2 guards. I forgot about the silent monks because I don't remember them ever joining the fight in the first place in EA.
Last edited by meme; 19/09/17 09:47 PM.
Joined: Dec 2016
I would wish back the system from the first game. They influenced only the change to hit not the damage from the regarding weapon type, which held damage numbers far more unter control. This is what happens when the game has to balance your progression based on how often you update your gear and you must have either 5 thievery or 5 lucky charm. I find it hilarious how they hide some gold hoarding NPC though. Some random fisherman in town with no role and no trader tag has 25k on him at level 16. I will shoot a kid if a random kid playing with a friend also has 25k on him. Now I wish they had given the beggar Trader-gold restock too just to see the beggar has huge pile of cash on him from just begging.
Last edited by Ellezard; 19/09/17 09:49 PM.
Joined: Oct 2016
Never needed to thief in D:OS1, not even in Tactician, stealth robbed everything that was displayed on the market or in the shops, but never thieved. But even then we got kind of bored after Act 1 and did not continue EE.
Joined: Sep 2016
Ok, I managed to play some of the content after the first act and can’t see how the inflated tactical mode stats would work on some of these fights. Without mentioning any spoilers, it does seem like some battles might drag on to infinity with 50% extra armour and HP etc.
That said, they’ve definitely delivered on the ‘classic’ experience IMO. Will do a little review at the very end, but the level of effort put into this is distracting to say the least. Seems a bit churlish to complain about the lacklustre tactician mode after you experience the rest of it – but the initial impression of tactician mode is that it’s a rushed job compared to the previous game.
I think they’ve outdone themselves with the rest, though. Witcher 3 level of perfectionism – there’ll be many good things to note at the end.
I’d settle for smarter AI, with new abilities for tactician mode. But no inflated stats. Maybe some randomness if it can be done.
Some quick things I’ve noted:
1) Screen going black occasionally at the end of a combat turn 2) The super incarnate seems a tad overpowered – he’s easily the best team mate when summoned, and I reckon 4 summoners with 4 of these lads would be fairly unstoppable (maybe only 1 super can be summoned, and the rest are left with ordinary summons, and a 15% reduction in the super's overall stats and damage output regardless) 3) The shield throw is a bit overpowered compared to other abilities too – maybe just a slight reduction in its range) 4) Barrels and whatnot on the post-Fort Joy stages seem to give the same measly amount of gold as barrels on the early stages (bar a few exceptions). Constantly broke, unless I'm selling loot 5) Economy is a bit unbalanced mid-game, as I seem to be constantly lacking in any gear my own level and don’t have enough to buy anything but the odd skill book now and then
You’d probably need an IQ of 180 to balance all the variables in this now. Best of luck with it.
Joined: Nov 2015
Yeah, its miracle that such a game is working so well as it is now  As for cash... you seriously need either very high lucky find skill, bartering skill or thievery skill (or all!) as those are your best skills for keeping your cash at good state  I was surprised how well lucky find works, giving you even legendaries from barrels since lvl7
Joined: Oct 2015
I've gotten to level 20 now in the final act of the game the game balance is just fine the only issue is the early game where you don't have equal gear to your opponents. If you wanna talk about balanced lonewolf is far worse then anything to be perfectly honest. you talk and talk about armor values and health values but honestly it's literally not a problem with proper cc and the enemies can do the same to you. you don't need exploits you don't need to run or use any skills sure the gold is a little bit lite if you don't thief or barter or lucky charm but that's fine just go do everything then. Their is still crafting and the best chest piece for fighters is one you craft. incarnate is man summon for the summoner class so it's basicly their character so I expect it to be able to tank and do damage; my summoner was a force early in the game when I was undergeared and now still a nice teammate but definitely not the main damage dealer like my knight is. shield throw is based on your shield's armor which can be nice early as well when you have low damage from not keep your gear up to date but its a 2 cd turn any focused damage attack will do more. literally have had no trouble destroying my enemies with just basic tactics, I know this may sound rude but this mode is the hardest difficulty for a reason and its still not that hard The epic encounters mod for the first game did the same thing as this except with 100 percent increased hp and cc resists; I know oh but who cares about that it's less hard then a mod. Who do you think they got their ideas of how to balance from? the modders they invited to come give them advice and the epic encounters people were one of the people invited so they might be why its like this 
Joined: Sep 2015
Joined: Dec 2016
Having almost finished my quests on Nameless Isle, I can see some issues now.
The merchants on Nameless Isle sucks.
They barely sell any divine gear and most of the merchants are so all over the place and turn hostile at some point if you want to get rid of them. I ended up getting from level 17 to 19 without upgrading my gears and felt that my damage wasn't ridiculous anymore. Then I finally decided to buy a simple legendary instead of divine Axe at level 19 for my Red prince, his damage went up from 1200 to 2000.
The gear keep jumping so high it's ridiculous and if you want to continue using golden divine gears beside weapon so you actually get good talents on them, you have to buy them from TAriq or Fletcher assuming you didn't leave both of them in Driftwood.
Also, before you leave driftwood, you better have your weapon updated or you're going to take ages to kill. Unless you use Arrow storm of course, that thing killed everything in 1 cast atm. Even that 9k health troll died instantly.
Still wish they make the merchants there a bit more useful. Might be a good time to respec to Magic charm when you get there.
Last edited by Ellezard; 20/09/17 05:02 PM.
Joined: Sep 2017
I have a ranger as my main character. Red prince as Knight, Fane as summoner and the outlaw guy as a crossbow guy. Just defeated the bishop and left the first island traveling on a ship.
Prince wears a gear that has 1 summon, so I stole a summon spell for him as well.
I don't know about act 2 but so far, I don't find it too hard to play except for few big boss battles could be a bit challenging. After I positioned my teams strategically well, ie range characters and summoner at high grounds, before I initial the fight with an attack, i managed to kill most battles without much problems, especially after i got some good gears for the team, i don't die again.
so far it's quite enjoyable except for few quest bugs that I cannot close even when they are completed.
I read about the nerfed mage before i started the game and I avoided it, though.
Last edited by BBsen; 21/09/17 06:39 AM.
Joined: Nov 2015
might have been mistake to avoid mages, as they are still immensely powerful class... and they make things go boom, which is always fun 
Joined: Sep 2017
Ive been playing two summoners max on summoning(20 +1 or +2 from gear), and leveling intelligence and constitution both characters have around(40) on each, im also using lone wolf on both and i have to say it feels perfect for the level of difficulty.
Both characters have shield/wand and are at lvl 15, almost 16, im also almost 90% finished with act 2 on Tactician mode.
I can get the most recent gear and skills exhausting my gold entirely, but i can get plenty without investing into bartering or stealing things.
However i cannot imagine how in the world i could even keep 4 party members, if i was playing that way, fully geared and ready, without stealing my way in Driftwood or in other places.
Additionaly i have one character with some points on water skills for magic armor recovery and another on geomancer for physical armor recovery.
Last edited by AndreB; 21/09/17 08:52 AM.
Joined: Dec 2016
Ive been playing two summoners max on summoning(20 +1 or +2 from gear), and leveling intelligence and constitution both characters have around(40) on each, im also using lone wolf on both and i have to say it feels perfect for the level of difficulty.
Both characters have shield/wand and are at lvl 15, almost 16, im also almost 90% finished with act 2 on Tactician mode.
I can get the most recent gear and skills exhausting my gold entirely, but i can get plenty without investing into bartering or stealing things.
However i cannot imagine how in the world i could even keep 4 party members, if i was playing that way, fully geared and ready, without stealing my way in Driftwood or in other places.
Additionaly i have one character with some points on water skills for magic armor recovery and another on geomancer for physical armor recovery.
Lucky charm is a ridiculous free source of legendaries/divine now. After around level 13, it starts to outscale thievery, just rngfest since you aren't guaranteed the kind of legendaries you will be getting. Anyway, the most busted thing right now is 2 shadow lizard using arrow storm from stealth. Haha I had to change from using the bolt to using evasive aura to survive by dodging every hit or just get wiped.
Last edited by Ellezard; 21/09/17 09:12 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
Interesting, next play-trough ill definitively will try that.
I've been meaning to try 2 lone wolf archers with evasive aura and just rely on dodge and massive damage output.
But what about elemental effects i doubt you can do much vs that?
Last edited by AndreB; 21/09/17 09:57 AM.
Joined: Nov 2015
Well you can stack resists on gear, maybe potions? But I reckon it can be hard to have resist gear for every element tho...
Joined: Jul 2014
lol, the judge fight in Fort Joy looks like it was deliberately staged for 'cheese' by the devs. there are several super-heavy paintings there that can be used not only to block the doorway to control the flow of enemies, but also to hit them with telekinesis. that can do 70+ damage for 1 AP with no cooldown (small tip: you can rotate objects with the mouse wheel when moving). also, there's a locked cell accessible to teleport that only the judge and the monk can escape from.
as i understand, at higher levels HP and damage quickly outpace all environmental effects, which is a bit sad IMO. i don't remember level jumps were so huge in DOS1. were they? it was surely like that in Larian's Ego Draconis. 1 level difference was already very tough, 2 was borderline masochistic, and i think after 3 levels or so you literally couldn't do any damage at all. i must say i don't like this system, it feels very cold and soulless, like everything is defined by its level number with little leeway.
Last edited by rumpelstilskin; 21/09/17 10:27 AM.
Joined: Dec 2016
Interesting, next play-trough ill definitively will try that.
I've been meaning to try 2 lone wolf archers with evasive aura and just rely on dodge and massive damage output.
But what about elemental effects i doubt you can do much vs that?
Evasive Aura for near invul against physical that aren't floor-AoE. IF you're playing Lonewolf, you should have enough point to also invest in Leadership on both for ridiculous resist on both char (along with extra dodge). If needed for certain bosses, drink the potion. Death trumpet is used for making "All resist" and you can use augmentor to make them better and get easy +50 or 75% resist on every elements for a few turn, good enough to survive the first turn.
as i understand, at higher levels HP and damage quickly outpace all environmental effects, which is a bit sad IMO. i don't remember level jumps were so huge in DOS1. were they? it was surely like that in Larian's Ego Draconis. 1 level difference was already very tough, 2 was borderline masochistic, and i think after 3 levels or so you literally couldn't do any damage at all. i must say i don't like this system, it feels very cold and soulless, like everything is defined by its level number with little leeway.
I feel it like it has to do with all the exploration you can do in Act 3 to continue the story anyway. They leave level 19 and 20 unique all over the place and some NPC just outright sell them for you to grab the moment you enter the town. And hoo boy, the stats on them are all ridiculous with multiple slots. My red prince does 2349 - 2472 with 65 str atm with a level 18 unique weapon. That's going to jump to at least 3500 with a level 20. Environment can still hurt though. Shame you have to make sure they are all cursed for them to be worth it. Better luck just using magic like Meteor shower and gip people with a weaker magical version of Arrow storm.
Last edited by Ellezard; 21/09/17 10:40 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
starting to agree with this it feels like enemies my same level just have a plain 50% or more increase to everything whilst im just undergeared and struggling to break down targets just to get my actual tactics of using cc etc on them more often than not im simply just cheeseing fights WTF no tactics in that at all. jst simple cheese nerf the base stats by 25%
Joined: Dec 2016
Act 1 is fighting while undergeared. Getting some gears with lucky charm or thievery will completely destroy enemies.
Act 2 is all about exploring and leveling up your gears to keep up with enemies stat as you unlock source skill. Once you get that level 3 source spell, everything become a breeze even with mages because they have fairer version of Arrow storm.
Act 3 is where mechanics start to happen, a lot. Even with high stat, certain fights won't end unless you fulfill the conditions, like flaming undead lizard people skip will never die unless you kill it once then bless it to weaken it before killing while making sure no necrofire is in vision range.
Joined: Sep 2017
Act 1 is fighting while undergeared. Getting some gears with lucky charm or thievery will completely destroy enemies.
Act 2 is all about exploring and leveling up your gears to keep up with enemies stat as you unlock source skill. Once you get that level 3 source spell, everything become a breeze even with mages because they have fairer version of Arrow storm.
Act 3 is where mechanics start to happen, a lot. Even with high stat, certain fights won't end unless you fulfill the conditions, like flaming undead lizard people skip will never die unless you kill it once then bless it to weaken it before killing while making sure no necrofire is in vision range. so you are saying dont steal or open any crates during act 1 until said skills are high enough act 2 what ur saying is basicly a no brainer act 3 thats when tactics come into play and by then hopefully the nerf bat will have lowered enemy base stats by 25% or more. "from what you say act 3 does not need nerfing base stats as thats when you are on a even footing?" think i got that right, thats right ye ? ? ? EDIT: to the people who have played early access and know exactly the route to take and places to get gear take a bloody second and think what if you did not know, WHAT DO YOU SAY THEN in that situation lol, that being the situation of basicly everyone that has not spent as much time in the game as you.
Last edited by Iceborg; 21/09/17 11:39 AM.