Originally Posted by Ellezard
One thing still certain though, after level 15, you still need to put every point into Wit since you can no longer stack Fin and Str.

If stat have a cap, then it's just about maxing Fin/Str/Int and then switching to Wit anyway. But up to the cap, the damage stat seems to offer the most bang for bucks.
Edit2 : I looked at it and it a major problem.

So if we look at 100 hits, you're right, it does way more damage, because that's from a sustain perspective which goes against the nature of crit.

But we have to take in probability when you calculate like that because the nature of Crit is rng.

That's not a major problem in the math, that's about considering how it applies in the game.

Basically, it's trading a higher average damage for the chance of getting some lucky big hit which could dispatch an enemy one turn sooner. It's a common discussion in WoW theorycrafting too :p
I don't think the diminishing returns will reach a point where crit becomes strictly speaking better than Str/Int/Fin for average damage, but it's kinda moot because if the cap is reachable by level 15, then obviously after that you should (on a strictly raw damage point of view) focus on crit and crit multiplier anyway, which means Wit.


Originally Posted by Terodil
... why would it really matter though?

It's the same thing in the other thread about the mirror granting the option to respec for free. If you think the source tanks/fountains trivialise content, don't use them? I would never think of interrupting my adventuring just to teleport/run back to recharge and cheese game mechanics. It'd ruin the flow of my gameplay. Nerfing a skill because some people choose to (ab)use game mechanics against their own better judgment (!) seems like the wrong call to me. Through normal gameplay, source is rare enough that I hesitate every time I'm tempted to spend it. Maybe there's a greater challenge just around the corner where that source point is the one thing standing between me and death?

I'm on two minds about this.
On one hand, yeah I dislike when something is excessively restricted just because it could be abused by people who purposedly twist the gameplay.
On the other hand, if something can be so easily abused for exceedingly big result, then it's a problem of design, not a problem of player's behaviour.

In a somewhat exagerrated way, that's the same difference in nature between someone who deliberately glitch the game to get an advantage ("hey, the game allows it, I can use it legitimately !"), and an available skill that kills everything on-screen ("but you can CHOSE not to use it !").

If source can be easily obtained, then maybe it should simply not be an actual resource, but rather a very long cooldown (or a "once per fight" skill).
Back on topic: I'm not sure wits needs a buff. It seems pretty powerful to me, all in all, for both in-combat and out-of-combat. The greater problem, to me, is the way initiative works now. I really dislike the change to that mechanic.

Considering how initiative and detection work, it seems that Wit is only useful on the group leader. Maybe it should give extra AP to become useful (like 1 AP every 10 Wit ?).