I suppose I'm inclined to reiterate what seems to be the problem with "casual": it's a bit of a moving target but there's definitely an element in RPG playing circles who view studious analysis of the mechanics and exploits thereof as the correct means of gameplay and everything else being contemptible. Personally I would like to enjoy my games as a more complete and immsersive environment, of which combat and its mastering is just one part and actually I think that an excessive focus on combat rather detracts from other elements such as the story, roleplay and exploration, which for me are equally important things that make the Divinity series what it is. And yeah, I am saying that combat mastery isn't necessarily compatible with roleplay and might be inclined to contend that it is even less so than arbitrary respeccing.

I dunno, "casual" is just one of those words that's tossed around far too often and doesn't really mean anything useful. It's about as welcome in discussions like this as "entitled" and any of the other usual suspects. People have different playing styles: one isn't better than another. Hopefully games can endeavour to accommodate a variety of them.

J'aime le fromage.