Originally Posted by Mercer
Originally Posted by Luckmann
Originally Posted by Mercer
... being abke to move earlier in turn order ....
[Linked Image]

The turn order is, for whatever asinine reason, distributed evenly between allies and opponents, making Initiative completely and utterly meaningless, to the point where it's essentially a dead mechanic and might just as well be removed.

Out of all the frankly retarded decisions I've seen so far, this one really takes the cake. Completely indefensible.

Spare us your condescending bullshit memes... thx.

My impression is that my high initiative rogue is very early on in each encounter - is somebody able provide the math that is coded in this game to back up some claims in this forum... otherwise it will stay a mystery it seems or?
Spare us your inability to comprehend bullshit memes... thx.

And your high-initiative rogue is likely moving early in every encounter. That is not the issue. The issue is as I described.

There's no mystery to it, and there's no math. No matter your initiative, the turn order will alternate between enemies and allies. Initiative is therefore only relevant for determining who goes first in each team, and completely useless when it comes to actually affecting combat in a tangible fashion, or to plan synergies.

It is also, apparently, hardcoded, so it's literally unfixable by anyone other than Larian, and for whatever insane reason, this was already a conscious decision by someone at Larian, so it's unlikely to actually be resolved.

Made me shelve the game, it's simply too infuriating to play like this.

Originally Posted by Zherot
Yeah, so many things were good on the first game and they actually made them worse, why the fuck developers do that?

As soon as i get to respec i will only have 1 character with high initiative and will be my glass cannon one.
I think it's massive over-compensation.

It's like they are deathly afraid of small issues in the prior game manifesting in D:OS2, so they've effectively neutered or nuked those aspects entirely, creating new (less) interesting issues that are somewhat jaw-dropping.

But out of all of them, this one is probably the craziest one. I honestly don't know what to say. This change is making me legitimately angry because of how it affects the overall gameplay and the pacing of combat in so many different ways, and all of them are bad - there's literally no positive aspect to this, unless you're quite literally the worst player imaginable that somehow manage to not keep track of your stats at all, so you end up getting nuked by multiple enemies acting before you in combat.

But to design the game based on that is still so ridiculously myopic. I'm lacking words to properly convey just how stupid round-robin turn-order is in a game, let alone a game that actually uses initiative.

Last edited by Luckmann; 20/09/17 08:56 PM.