Originally Posted by TsunAmik
Guys, this change came to the game beause of EA, not despite it. There were simply too many players completely abusing wits for 1turn wins with things like glass cannon and elemental affinity... It was simply too easy, because amongst 4 characters, you can setup such a fucking mayhem that no ordinary enemy stould a fcking chance.

wits as stat should be rebalanced, thats for sure, but forcing combat order was a right thing to do
There's tons of different ways this could've been balanced without forcing a round robin system. It was absolutely not the right thing to do, because it strips the game of a relevant sub-system and cheapens combat pacing immensely, as well as ensure that neither the player nor the enemy can do proper environmental setups unless they already outnumber the opponent completely.

The easiest way to maintain a relevant system but still avoid consistent abuse would be to balance the enemies appropriately and add a per-round randomization element. The game already tracks round-to-round, only right now, it's completely useless. Instead, add a +/- 1d5 modifier to each participant on a per-round basis, possibly modified by effective level (at a rate of.. ~0,3 or 0,35 or so?).

Boom, initiative is now valuable but without being the be-all end-all of combat determinism, and it was achieved without putting combat into an anti-fun straight-jacket.
Originally Posted by TsunAmik
guys, this game is easy. It really isnt all that hard, so why complain that it got just tiny little bit harder by this change? It made things more interesting, and made good stat into mediocre stat... In bigger scope of things, its just negligible thing imo.
Hush, the adults are talking. This isn't about some arbitrary sense of difficulty.

Last edited by Luckmann; 21/09/17 09:10 AM.