Yeah there is no other way to put it, the game lost ALOT of its appeal to me after Fort Joy.
Driftwood area is extremely buggy in terms of quest, some quests simply will not finish even tho you've solved them. Some NPCs dont recognize that you've done their quest, but overall Driftwood is okay. There is a good sense of focus there and the story is more or less cohesive.
But it does suffer from the same thing that DoS:EE did for me, that being that the first part of the game is MILES better than what comes after. And way less confusing to navigate.
Then the real issue. Nameless Isle and Arx, these areas are not done. They severely lack in content and scope, the quests are few and extremely vague and the rewards are basically near non-existant.
I deeply despise the turn that this game takes after Fort Joy, I expected the game world to open up to me, instead it felt like it closed shut. Hell it feels like 50% if not more of the game is driftwood, because what comes after is okay at best.
It's a really really solid game, but it suffers from its "meh" story, linear areas and frankly.... Lack of content after Driftwood.
Why can skills go to 10, when there is nothing above rank 3 in terms of tiers? Why are all the truly interesting spells locked behind the mindlessly annnoying source point system? Spells that where free to cast as long as you had the AP in the previous game.
Why is Arx so empty? Barely anything going on there and feels like an amateur mod, not something from the people who made the fort joy area.
I'm just deeply dissapointed, I feel this game needed another few months at least in the oven. I can only hope the patches come rolling out soon, and plenty of them... Because more and more people are finishing fort joy, and trust me.... More and more are going to complain about what comes after.
Fort Joy is the only good area of the game atm, Driftwood would be "ok" if it's bugfixed, but even then its bland.... I mean, you have Tropical Fort Joy,Swampy Fort Joy with dabs of forest, then you have cold harsh coastline with dabs of forest and a little desert in Driftwood, and then nameless isle is tropical again, and Arx is just a massive and frankly soulless city. Driftwood and Fort Joy is filled to the brim with pointless, but ALIVE NPCs, Arx is just... silent, and dead.
Larian please, do a rehaul, I get that you wanted to meet your deadline but this is just sad... So much potential, just lost.