Originally Posted by TsunAmik

Adults? This forum is filled with kids crying like lil bitches because somebody nerfed their attribute... get your shit together laugh

Nerfing an attribute is one thing. Clearly there will always be people complaining about that stuff, if only because it affects their particular playstyle.

However, initiative isn't something that's connected to a certain class, playstyle or build, like, say, teleport. It's a core part of the gameplay. When they 'nerf' it (by making it pointless), they undermine the mechanics of their own game. That's why people 'bitch'.

This game is already fucking complicated as it is, without your convoluted "solutions",

No, the game isn't very complicated. And even if it was, it certainly wouldn't become overcomplicated just by having initiative do what it's supposed to do. Luckmann's 'convoluted solution' is very simple: add a dice roll so getting to go first is a combination of init and luck. That's it.

but they still managed to somewhat balance it so well, that almost every reasonable class combination is able to complete classic difficulty, without being way too easy or way too hard.

What a strange non sequitur. What does this have to do with the discussion? Are you saying that making wits/initiative useful again would break the balance? If so, they'd better come up with a new use for wits soon, because their current solution has only created more problems.

Your crying that you can´t abuse the system more or that one of the stats is now only third best stat in the game instead of the most overpowered stat there ever was is getting little ridiculous.

No one is crying because they can't abuse the system (although that is certainly fun). We're 'crying' because a stat has been rendered useless by a fundamental change to the core game mechanics.

Wits is not the 'third best' stat currently. At best, it's marginally more useful than con.
Keep in mind that memory still serves a purpose for multiclasses and mages who need a wide variety of spells, while strength, intelligence and finesse are self explanatory.