![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/MMKOMml.png)
This mod adds new crafting recipes to the game. It should be compatible with all other mods.
Crafting is essential in a Rpg game. Here is some additions to already good crafting system. It covers some missing craft recipes and adds some unique crafting ideas.
Spreadsheet Link for current craftables:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VjDM7x8gPb1F34oY1dGCIhLGs4_2EQUaoT2bPCVm4wo/edit?usp=sharing![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/THMX1js.png)
- Plates, broken bottles, Lab jars and other glass junk can be turned into empty bottles and potion bottles (oven)
- Added missing Giant magic and physical armor potion recipes
- Easy crafting for medium and large healing and poison potions with increased amount of ingredients (2 mushroom for medium, 4 mushroom for large)
- Added missing speed potion. Also added crafting medium potions from minor ones. (works with multiple ingredients also)
- Created new potion for boosting all stats at once. (Craft it with 5 of the 6 stat boosting potions.)
- Craft Resist All potion with Elemantal resistance potions and also with their ingredients. (Minor, Medium, Large)
(V 0.3)
- Medium and Large All stats potions have been added.
![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/sbYBf1N.png)
- Scrap unwanted clothes and armors to get Scrap pieces. (Cloth, Leather, Metal and Scale scraps)
- Use Scraps to improve your physical armor.
- Turn junk items like tongs, forks, spoons etc. into useful upgrade materials.
- Boost shields with metal scrap pieces and also elemental essence to improve their stats!
- Scrap all your unwanted weapons and shields with pickaxe. Turn them into useful upgrade materials!
(V 0.3)
- Scrapper's Pickaxe added to the game. Craft it and use it for all your scrapings!
- Scrap even crates, barrels, baskets and wood boxes with your handy pickaxe.
- Crafter's Hammer has been added to the game. Use it to make new armors.
- Throw your unwanted amulets to oven and give them new stats with precious gems! (Rings and more boosts will be added soon.)
Planned Features:
(v0.4) Expanded Grenade Crafting and Arrow craft options
(v0.5) Complete overhaul on foods and ingredients
(v0.6)Crafting skillbooks and scrolls more effectively
(v0.7)New Rune craft system
(v1.0)Making all junks and dumps useful items. Turning them into craft-able items. And cover all aspects of the crafting recipes.
I'm open to all suggestion. Please suggest if you want to see something in game.
Note: Works on previous saves.
Hugely inspired by XC_bags mod for Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition. I will create a separate mod for building a craft spot in Fort Joy. It wont be save game compatible so it will be a separate mod.