Originally Posted by Ellezard
Stat cap at +30. You can't invest more than 15 level into Dex/Int/Fin. You're stuck getting Wit anyway.

I may respond to this further tomorrow, but let's be clear here; the cap is at +30, for a total of 40. And reasonably, at least a few points go into Memory.

Sure, it's entirely possible to do a build without Memory, and it's entirely possible to do a build that doesn't hedge at all and that only puts points into a single damage-boosting stat, and that only ever use the base Memory because it's strictly not necessary for more. But such build is entirely a min-max outlier.

It is by no means a reasonable default upon which to base game balance or even a meaningful argument on. But more to the point, the fact is that even by your own argument, the only reason to go for Wits would be because there's literally no-where else to put points that would be meaningful.

That is, honestly, a terrible defense, and says more about the sorry state of the Attributes and their synergies (or rather, lack thereof) than it does for the practical usefulness of Wits.

And furthermore, the main issue of the Initiative issue and the round robin turns doesn't concern Wits at all, and we shouldn't stare ourselves blind on that. The fact that Wits is made near-useless due to the complete uselessness of Initiative is secondary to the mechanical effects it has, as well as the effects it has on things like combat pacing or tactics (or rather, again, lack thereof).

Hell, I'd say that the fact that there's tons of items with Initiative modifiers, now useless, or the fact that the central advantage of being Human is simply gone, takes by far precedence of the fact that Wits becomes a lackluster attribute in an array of fundamentally lackluster attributes. And again, that is still far from the central issue at hand, because Wits could always be buffed, but the fundamental problems of neutered Initiative and the round-robin turn system would still remain, because it has nothing to do with Wits in itself.

Going down that route moves the argument away from the core issues and instead makes it seem like it's a matter of Wits sucking or not. Wits could add +20% critical chance and +10 initiative per rank, and Initiative would still be busted and the round robin system would still be a travesty.

Last edited by Luckmann; 21/09/17 06:12 PM.